USD Baseball 2004

2003 wee CHAMPIONS

San Diego bega n eme rging as the team to beat within the West wi nning key conference se1ies against ,ivals Loyola Marymount, Prntland and Sr. Ma,y·s. In the process, team leade r's Joey Prast and TonyPerez began to shatter individual school records. Prast. a junior 1ight fielder f1u m necuby Poway. bec~m1e San Diego·s all-time single ~L'ion school leader in doubles wid1 26. Perez, a t\\'o-way standout playing die outfield ~me.I pitching, ecLs.;ily became USD's career leader in \Yalb drawn, on-base percentage, runs scored and saves. Both players along with left fielde r JoshHansen were honored as West Coast Confe re nce Fi rst Team players at season·send. Invaluable conriibutions by a host of newcome rs allowed San Diego to make a run in the postseason. Hansen had single-handedly clinchec.l the c.livision and league titles w ith dramatic game-winning homeruns. F1ic.lay stalter and staff ace Kyle Collins completed an outstanding first year at USD with nine w ins. includ– ing a stifling pe1fonnance in the WCC Champio nsh ip Se1ies. Freshnun pitche r Justin Blaine , a 6-foot-4 lefry from Westlake. c.levelopec.l as a quality Sunday sta1ter, posting a 3.48 ERA in his last six stalts.

Tony Perez r,111ked in the top-'i n,11ionalk "·ith 1:\ s,I,·es in 200:\. Perez also led the te,I111 in balling a,·erage al .5'i'i ,md got on lx1se al a ~8% rate as USIYs leadoff hiller.


New CareerMarks Tony Perez (155 walks) Tony Perez 085 runs)

New TeamMarks Doubles 0 49)

NewSingleSeasonMarks Joey Prast (26 doubles) Joey Prast (90 hits)

Joey Prast (260 at-bats) Tony Perez 0 3 saves)

Joey Prast set l ·s1 )'s ,11!-tillle school record 111arks in hoth hits (90) & douhlc·.s (2(,) totaled in :1 singl<:-sc:1so11 during :111 All-\\'CC junior 1·c,Ir 200:\

!3ock mu· r 1-r) Rich I !ill. Erik \ 'erdugo, .\brk Johnston. Tre1·or Pike. l.uc1s \\ ' Ortc·g,1 . .\b it Coy. K,·lc Collins. Da,·id Dunn. Justin I31aine. Bretl Gillespie. ,\ like Oseguer,1. Se;m l,enrn·. .\ liduel Kr;1111er. .\fiddle mu· ( !-rJ.J;1111 ic I lesselgesser.Josh I l,Insen. Z,Kh Dobek. Sean \\'arlop. A;Iron \\'ilson. //o//u111 mu ·r1-rJ Ch,1d Culll1nings. Freddy S,1ndrn ,ii. Ga1·in '.;g. Tony Perez. Joey Prast. Ben Q uinto. Kyle Smith. I3ri;1n lones. l\11 l.ucY

Back-to-Back West Coast Conference Champions • 27

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