USD Baseball 2004


UC IRVINE April 13 in San Diego May 11 in Irvine

PEPPERDINE April 16-18 in Malibu Location: Ma libu, CA Conference: West Coast Stadium: Eddy D. Field Stadium (1.800) Press Box Phone: (310) 506-4598 Baseball Offi ce Phone: (310) 506-4371 Head Coach: Steve Rodriguez Record at Peppe rcline: First Season Career Record: Fi rst Season SID Cont:ict: Al B:irha O ffi ce: (3 10) 506-4455 E-mail: abarba@pe ppercline. edu Website:

Location: Irvine, CA Conference: Big West

Stadium: Anteater Ballpark (3,200) Press Box Phone: (949) 824-9905 Baseball Office Phone: (949) 824-4292

Head Coach:John Savage Record at UC!: 54-61 (2) Career Record: same SID Contact: Fumi Kimura Office: (949) 824-9474 E-mail: fkimura@uci .edu Website:

FORTI.AND April 23-25 in San Diego

Location: Portland, OR Conference: West Coast

Stadium: Pilot Stadium (1 ,500) Press Box Phone: (503) 943-7253 Baseball Office Pho ne: (503) 943-7707 Head Coach: Chris Sperry Record at Portland: 110-203-1 (6) Career Record: same SID Contact: Jason Brough Office: (503) 843-7439 E-ma il: Website:

SAN FRANCISCO April, May 30-2 in San Fran. Location: Sa n Francisco, CA Conference: West Coast Stadium: Benedetti Diamond (1 ,000) Press Box Phone: (4 15) 422-2919 Baseball Office Phone: (4 15) 422-2934

Freshmen Steve Singleton a hove and Keoni Ruth he/ow promise to be the future of USD's middle-infield.

Head Coach: Nino Giarratano Record at USF: 118-162 (5) Career Record: same Contact: Rya n Mccrary Office: (4 15) 422-6162 E-mail: Website:

CALIFORNIA May 12 in San Diego Location: Berkeley, CA Conference: PAC-10 Stad ium: Evans Diamond Press Box Phone: (510) 642-3098 Baseball Office Phone: (510) 643-174 1


Head Coach: David Esquer Record at Cal: 116-107 (4)

SID Contact: Scott Ball O ffice: (510) 643-1 74 1 E-mail: sba \X'ebsite:

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