USD Baseball 2004


USD ACADEMIC SUPPORT The USD Ath letic Academic Support program is des igned to promote the academic development o f stude nt-ath letes. The primary objecti ve is to offer the necessary resources for th e academic success of student-athl etes as they work to ea rn thei r degree. Academ ic Suppo rt serv ices a re designed to e nhance the stude nt-athlete 's overa ll collegiate expe rie nce and e ncourage deve lopmen t and attai nme nt of academic a nd ca reer goa ls. The Unive rsity of San Diego's Academic Support efforts are led by 4th-yea r Assistant AD Shaney Fink who isUSD's Academi c Support Coord inator. Fink was a standout vol leyball player in the 90's, and in 1999 she was o n the Volleyball coaching staff as a n ass istant , he lping the To reros to a 23-6 record and a second round fi nish in the NCAA Tourname nt. Prio r to USD she ga ined coach ing experie nce at the high school, college and inte rnatio nal levels fo r five yea rs. She ca pped o ff a ste lla r collegiate ca reer Cl 990-93) at Ca l Be rke ley and won se lection to the All-PAC Ten Decade Team. Fink completed he r B.A. , grad uating in Social Scie nce from Be rke ley in 1994. All USD stude nt athl etes have access to adv ising, tutoring and mentoring services. The me ntoring program, Access, was deve loped in 1999 a nd teams a graduate student in the Counse ling program with an athlete who would li ke to e nhance study skill s, learn about campus resources and receive guida nce on goal development and attainme nt. Stud ent-athl etes a lso have access to a qui et area whe re they ca n study o r wo rk in the computer cente r. In add ition , student-ath letes are e ncouraged to utili ze the campus learn ing cente rs including the Writing, Math and Logic Centers as well as to take adva ntage of the resources ava ilable to them in the Ca ree r Cente r, Counseling Center and Compute r Labs. USD is a member of the NCAA CHAMPS/ LIFE SKILLS program. This program was created to e nhance the total development of stude nt athle tes on NCAA Division 1 campuses. The NCAA Champs/ Life Ski lls Mission is: To maintain intercollegiate alhletics as an inlegra/ part of the campus educational program and the athle!e as an inte– gral part of the student body. Wilh !his in mind, the CHAMPS Life Skills prog ram was crea/ed lo support the sludent developmenl initiatives of its member institu- 1 ions and to enhance the quality ofthe student-athlete exp erience with in the uni– uersily selling.


GTE Academic All-Americans SecondTeam Kevin Herde, 1993 David Rolls, 1988 lhirdTeam Robbie Rogers, 1987 wee ScholarAthlete ofthe Year Jacob Slania

Economics (3.38) 1995

wee All-Academic Erik Verdugo

2001 2000

The CHAMPS/ Life Skills programempha- five core commitnient areas: * Commitme nt to Academic Deve lopment * Commitme nt to Athletic Deve lopme nt * Commitment to Personal Development * Commitme nt to Ca reer Developme nt * Commitment to Se1vice

Spanish (3.78) Business (3.21)

Joe Lima

Accounting (3.57) 1999

Geoff Babbitt Zach Koukos

Business (3.44) 1999 Mark Vallecorsa Acc.. (3.20); (3.64) 1998, '99 Jeb Dougherty Business (3.41);(3.30); (3.42); (3.46) 1994-'97 Jay Parks MBA/Computer Science (3.50); (3. 50);(3.64); (3.47) 1994-'97 DavidRomero International Relations

(3.39); (3.44) 1994-'95 Biology (3.78) 1994 Business (3.38) (3.49) 1992-'93 Business (3.31) (3.37) 1992-'93 Mathmatics (3.29) 1993 Business (3.34) 1992

'The g reatest challenge to a Division I athlete is to balance the demands ofspo,1 u 1 hile taking/it!/ advantage of the edu cational exp erience offered. The p111pose o/ our program is to assist student-athletes in meeting this challenge by offering tutoring, advising, mentoring and a q11iel environment to study. The academic support prog ram is designed lo assist students in adjusting to life at USD and developing sound academic and career plans. By promoting a philosophy of individual responsibility, which encourages each student-athlete to value their educational e:xp erience, the academic support program assists each athlete to realize their/it!/ potential." Shaney F ink

Mike Freehill Chad Boyd

Kevin Herde

Eric Morton Jeff Crane

44 • University of San Diego Toreros

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