2014 Fall Edition Newsletter

Robert Lykins Donates Medical Bag

Miami County Genealogy & Historical Society 12 East Peoria Paola, KS 66071 Return Service Requested

Presort STD U.S. Postage PAID Permit #2 Paola, KS 66071


E-Mail: museum@mchgm.org




(Ję $PSOFS Mini-Minutes


President- Hannes Poetter Vice President- Colleen Ewan Secretary- LeAnne Shields Treasurer- LuAnne Debrick

913-557-3000 913-294-5051 913-710-1767 913-259-5027

Pg 4


Pg 4 - 5 Pg 6 - 7

Indian Mision Leslie J. Perry Baseball Photos

Pg 8

Board of Directors

Louisburg - Fran Burcham


Pg9 Dr. David Lykins Medical Bag Pg 10 Medical Bag Photos Pg11 Fundraiser Photos Pg12-13 Miniture Art photos Pg14 Haley and Ewan obit Pg15 Museum inprovements Pg16 E. T. Ahrens obit Pg17 Miami County Cave Pg22 ć F (FOFBMPHZ 4FDUJPO

Marysville Township - LuAnne Debrick Member at Large - Colleen Ewan Miami Township - Nina Gerkin Middle Creek Township - Hannes Poetter Mound Township - Darrell Williams Osage Township - AnnDavis Osawatomie City- Ona Neuenschwander Osawatomie Township - Ben Maimer Paola City - Bettie Ore Paola Township - Elsie Cordle Richland Township - LeAnne Shields Stanton Township - Lloyd Peckman Sugar Creek Township - Vera Dakin Ten Mile Township - Sheila McNerney Valley Township - Colleen Ewan Wea Township - Rob Roberts


913-294-5051 913-849-3366 913-557-3000 913-755-4026 913-755-4646 913-755-2391 913-755-3504 913-294-3312 913-294-5137 913-710-1767 913-849-3278 913-377-4446


Queries & Researchers Miami Tribe Delegation Publications for sale

Pg18 - 19 Pg20-21

913-256-8006 Genealogy Society Coordinator- Betty Bendorf 913-557-2485 Accessions Coordinator- Bernice Chitwood 913-557-9358 Newsletter - Roger Shipman 913-259-9219 Financial ć F .JBNJ $PVOUZ )JTUPSJDBM .VTFVN )JTUPSJDBM (FOFBM PHZ 4PDJFUJFT BSF B /PO 1SPĕ U 0SHBOJ[BUJPO XJUI B UBY FYFNQU TUBUVT BMMPXFE CZ UIF *OUFSOBM 3FWFOVF %FQU (Ję BOE EPOBUJPOT received by the Societies are deductible for Income Tax purpos es. Fot additional information or questions regarding Endow ments, Trusts, etc., please contact us at 913-294-4940


/PUJDF 5P ć F .FNCFSTIJQ ć F .JBNJ $PVOUZ )JTUPSJDBM .VTFVN NFN bership dues are $25.00 Make checks out to: Miami County Historical Museum 12 East Peoria, Paola, Kansas 66071-0123

A Newsletter of the Miami County Museum & Genealogy Society

Winter 2014

Volume 29- No.1

Miami County Historical Museum 12 E. Peoria, Paola, Kansas 66071

Phone: 913-294-4940

E-Mail: info@thinkmiamicountyhistory.com

Web address; www.thinkmiamicountyhistory.com Museum Hours: Monday through Saturday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Page 2

7JTJU PVS HJę DPSOFS We have books, out of print museum books on DVD, brochures of local attractions, OVNFSPVT IJTUPSJDBM 1BPMB QIPUPT TVJUBCMF GPS GSBNJOH UFF TIJSUT IBUT BOE TPNF GSFF TUVČ

TOMORROW IS ANOTHER TOWN ć F "OBUPNZ PG B $JSDVT An autobiography by James R. Patterson A history of the Great Patterson Shows when the circus maintained winter quarters in Paola. Tax included price is $28.00 plus S&H

“ OZARK RIDGE” oil on canvas by David Gross the artist that maintains a studio over the museum, has graciously donated the picture above. ć F NVTFVN JT HPJOH UP SBĒ F PČ UIF QBJOUJOH GPS B ticket, drawing, Dec. 1st. Stop by the museum and view the painting and purchase tickets.

Page 3


A plaque would be placed on the outside of the building with a QR code enabling people to learn the history. %JTDVTTJPO PO UIF GBMM EJOOFS ć F GPDVT XJMM CF PO Miami County Native Americans. We are working on getting a speaker. Bill Ewan passed away and our sympathies are with Colleen. Lloyd Peckman visited the Smithsonian while In Wash ington D.C. and looking for more information on the Miami Indians. MAY Jim Bousman told of the traveling Smithsonian for 2015. “Hometown Teams” is the theme and we would be a sub-site. Jim is working on a project of lectures starting JO +VOF PO 1PMJUJDT JO ,BOTBT JO UIF T ć FSF will be several sessions on Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. LuAnne Debrick will take care of a museum table at Paola school alumni June 7. It was reported that an advertisement for the museum is aired on the local radio station 89.7fm. It will advertise the museum and some of the displays and programs we have planned. JUNE Our 501C3 has been renewed, More discussion on the Native American room. We received a large donation with a request that it be used for the buildings. A bid was gotten for tuck pointing the bricks of the east wall, water repellant, and a heavy masonry coating of paint on the back side of the three buildings, removing the metal stairway. Plans for the words “MiAMI County Museum” will be painted on the back of the building. Bids are being asked for replacing 2 BJS DPOEJUJPOFST IVNJEJĕ FST BOE UIFSNPTUBUT JULY ć F %JSFDUPST NFFUJOH XBT DBODFMMFE BT UIF SFTVMU PG power poles being blown down during the storm. Tuck QPJOUJOH BOE QBJOUJOH PG UIF CVJMEJOHT BSF ĕ OJTIFE BOE paid for. ć JOHT SFBMMZ MPPL HPPE ć F 1BPMB 8JOF 4USPMM XBT B TVDDFTT " GVOE SBJTJOH project suggested by Kathy Allenbrand was discussed. #JET BSF PVU GPS SFQMBDJOH UIF BJS DPOEJUJPOFST IVNJEJĕ ers and thermostats. Discussion on reducing the number of water meters we have as each of our three building has a meter.

ć F GPMMPXJOH BSF IJHIMJHIUT PG &YFDVUJWF BOE %JSFDUPS meetings, for your information, and a way to let you (a member) in on the workings. FEBRUARY Plans are being made for our Fall Fund Raising Dinner. It will be October 14 at Cross Point, Assembly of God Church. More on the program later.. Jim Bousman represented the museum at the Kansas Day Celebration. Discussion on updating the Native American Room. .BOZ JEFBT XFSF BJSFE ć F )FBSUMBOE "SU (VJME XPVME QBJOU TPNF NVSBMT PO UIF XBMMT JG XBOUFE ć JT XJMM CF B long range project. 8F XJMM IBWF B $IBNCFS DPČ FF GPS UIF NVTFVN IFSF PO March7. We will have LeAnne Shields and Lu Anne Debrick at tending the Miami Co Tourism and Chamber Networking Dinner. %JTDVTTJPO PO IVNJEJĕ FST XIJDI BSF PME BOE OPU working. Suggested we wait and see if we get the #BFIS HSBOU UP QVU IVNJEJĕ FST PO UIF GVSOBDFT Suggested we participate with the Quilters coming to Pala and display many of our quilts. MARCH Jim Bousman reported that Louisburg is forming a Historical Soc. Discussion on the use of QR codes to display the muse VNT BSUJGBDUT PO BO * 1BE ć F QSPKFDU XJMM DPOUJOVF XJUI PVU IFMQ GSPN 'SFFEPN 'SPOUJFS ć F WPMVOUFFST IFMQJOH with this project are Jim Bousman, Roger Shipman and Phil Reaka. Discussion on the October fund raiser for theme and speaker. APRIL We received the grant from the John Roman Founda tion and a donation from the Darlene Sutherland estate. Advised of a “dig” by the Kansas State Historical Soc at the Adair cabin site in Osawatomie. A new interesting project for people to select a building around the square and do the research from when the MBOE XBT PSJHJOBMMZ QVSDIBTFE BOE VQ UP EBUF ć F IJTUPSZ for each building will be recorded

Page 4

LIBRARY Several projects in the library are on hold for lack of manpower. We received about 80 more boxes of records from the court house that needs to be en tered on the computer and made alphabetical for re search purposes. Also the program is on the comput er to start listing all the books in the library, also to make research easier. Also a scanner was purchased so that all of our obits could be entered, also to make SFTFBSDI FBTJFS ć F GVMM PCJU XPVME CF FOUFSFE We are on the lookout for volunteers for these projects. We are in the process of gathering infor mation on the buildings and businesses around the TRVBSF ć JT JT RVJUF B QSPKFDU (PJOH UISV IVOESFET of newspaper clippings and pictures makes my desk being piled high. Ha What else is new.! Betty Bendorf Librarian

Eric Burwell

Old Check 1917

Jim Johnson

2 Old Butcher Scales from Col burn Store Hillsdale


Bucyrus School Reunion Papers

Dwayne Beckford

Callan News January 2, 1946

Mary Lou Debrick Old German Bibles Shirley Walker

Misc Children Clothing

Robert Lykins

Dr. David Lykins Medical Bag (see more about it in the news letter) Picture - Large circle with chips GSPN EJČ FSFOU USFFT PG ,BOTBT

Mildred Hearn

Elsie Cordle

Large old platter


Iron ornamental piece

Rosemary J. King

State award winner community program 1972-1974 Postmaster pruclamation & Story of a Kansan in a book containg the articals he wrote for the paper

Frank Koehler


Kelly Stewart

Abstracts (3) Victorian dress & patterns. Notebook on quilting

Barbara S. Hills


Colleen Ewan

BPW records 2009-2013


Two quilted comforters made by

(SBOENB -FOB ć PEFO 1PQF Milton & Catherine Welch Nightgown and pillow cases 1926 era

Floyd Grimes

Artifacts from Mission site

City of Paola

Paola Cemetery Monument of Horace Pierce Newspaper equipment Match books, advertising of Miami County 4UPSZ PG )PNF PO UIF 3BOHF ć F Little Evangel Music book 50 year class reunion 1937 & auto graphbook Fontana Graduates Photos 1927 to1968

Phil McLaughlin

Ernie Scherman


Mary Lou Bennett

Sara Cornett


Pleasant Hour Club Articles

Jim Bouseman

NARF Chapter 2098

ć F NVTFVN JT HPJOH UP SBĒ F PČ UIF QBJOUJOH GPS B ticket, drawing, Dec. 1st. Stop by the museum and view the painting then purchase a bunch of tickets.

Mari Baird Tetwiler

Standard atlas MiCoKs 1901

Page 5


Wea Creek Indian Mission ć JT NJTTJPO XBT FTUBCMJTIFE UP TFSWF UIF *OEJBOT XIP XFSF QSPNJTFE B QFSNBOFOU IPNF JO *OEJBO 5FSSJUPSZ CZ 1SFTJEFOU ć PNBT +FČ FSTPO ć F .JBNJ 8FB 1JBOLFTIBX 1FPSJB ,BTLBTLJB 1PUBXBUPNJF BOE 4IBXOFF tribes were resettled to present day Miami County, Kansas. 2. Between 1821 and 1856, the Presbyterian Church established nine missions in the Missouri-Kansas area. One PG UIFTF NJTTJPOT XBT FTUBCMJTIFE OFBS 8FB $SFFL ć F NJTTJPO TPDJFUZ PG UIF 1SFTCZUFSJBO $IVSDI DPOUSBDUFE UP CVJME B MPH IPVTF POF BOE B IBMG TUPSJFT UBMM ć F 3FW BOE .ST 8FMMT #VTIOFMM BOE 3FW BOE .ST +PTFQI ,FSS BOE teacher Miss Nancy Henderson moved into the partially completed mission building on April 17, 1834. By late June the mission house for school and church services had been built, along with a smoke house, com crib, spring house and other little conveniences. ć F CVJMEJOHT PG UIF 8FB .JTTJPO XFSF UBLFO PWFS JO CZ UIF 0TBHF .BSBJT EFT $ZHOFT 3JWFS TVC BHFO DZ PG UIF %FQBSUNFOU PG *OEJBO "Č BJST %VSJOH UIF TVNNFS PG TNBMM QPY WBDDJOBUJPOT XFSF HJWFO BU UIF agency location to 479 Indians horn area tribes. In 1843, the sub-agency was moved to a new location in eastern Kansas and the Wea Mission was again vacated. 4. In March of 1843 the Indian Mission Association of the Southern Baptist Convention appointed Rev. and Mrs. David Lykins as missionaries to the Wea Indians. David Lykins, his wife Abigail Ann Lykins and Miss Sara "OO 0THPPE FTUBCMJTIFE UIF 8FB #BQUJTU .JTTJPO ć F TDIPPM FOSPMMFE BT NBOZ BT DIJMESFO BU POF UJNF TFSW JOH UIF 8FB 1JBOLFTIBX ,BTLBTLJB BOE 1FPSJB *OEJBOT ć F NJTTJPO TUSPOHMZ EFTJSFE CZ UIF *OEJBOT SFDFJWFE TVCTUBOUJBM ĕ OBODJBM BOE NPSBM TVQQPSU GSPN #BQUJTUF 1FPSJB 5. As a result of being adopted by the Confederated Indian Tribe and because of the Federal treaty signed in %BWJE -ZLJOT XBT HJWFO BDSFT PG MBOE CZ UIF 6OJUFE 4UBUFT (PWFSONFOU ć F PSJHJOBM QBUFOU QSFTFOUFE CZ 1SFTJEFOU +BNFT #VDIBOBO JODMVEFE UIF 8FB .JTTJPO TJUF ć F .JBNJ $PVOUZ 3FHJTUFS PG %FFET JOEJDBUFT UIBU David Lykins sold or conveyed the Mission Site property to Baptiste Peoria on June 3, 1854.

0JM XBT ĕ STU GPVOE JO B XFMM JO Kansas about 200 yards southeast of the Wea Mission site. In 1860, three oil wells were dug in the Paola vicin ity. David Lykins joined Dr. G.W. Brown, editor of the Lawrence Her ald of Freedom in obtaining leases on some 30,000 acres for exploration. ć F PVUCSFBL PG UIF $JWJM 8BS CSPLF up the drilling operation. David Ly kins was arrested in June of 1861 and VQPO CFJOH SFMFBTFE Ę FE UP $PMPSBEP Territory. He died August 13, 1864 and is buried in Denver, Colorado.

A rendering of the Wea Baptist Mission

Page 6

Wea Mission School Report Card The school under our charge is conducted on the manual labor plan, and has averaged. the past year thirty five children, I cannot speak too highly in commendation of the untiring efforts of Miss S. A. Osgood, principal teacher, in behalf of the school, from whose annual report I take the following extract: “With pleasure I write that the present condition of Harvey Institute is prosperous and encouraging. The number enrolled last year is 42, 26 boys and 16 girls. The attendance has been more regular than in any preceding year; consequently, more good has resulted from our efforts. One of our girls (daughter of Baptiste Peoria) is happily married to one of her tribe, whose attainments are equal with hers. One of our most interesting girls has been taken from us by death. “The entire number of readers of various- grades is 32, more- than half of whom read with facility, and several are good readers, “The writing pupils number 24, many of whom write neatly. In most cases, the scholars of this school surpass in penmanship those of white schools I have taught. The little girls excel in sewing and fancy needlework. We hope; as our girls grow up, to send them oat well fitted to perform the duties of housekeeper, wife, &c. “Other branches taught are geography, arithmetic, grammar, and composition ; in all of which the pupils have made gratifying progress. The above, in ,short, comprises the present condition of the school; and when it is borne in mind that this school (with the exception of $300) has been wholly supported from its commencement, a period of five years, by benevo lent funds—the contributions of churches—I think it will be admitted “we have done what we could”,: In conclusion, sir, permit me to express our thanks for your kind attentions, and our gratification that your efforts in the cause of Indian improvement have met with so much success. “All the children in school are rapidly acquiring the English, language.”

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

David Lykins Superintendent Harvey Institute.

Col. C. N. Handy,


Page 7

Leslie J. Perry Have you ever felt, “too late smart”. Well, if you haven’t, here is an example of how it happens.

By Jim Bousman

ć FSF BSF NBOZ HSFBU SFTPVSDFT GPS TUVEFOUT PG UIF 6 4 $JWJM 8BS 5XP PG UIFTF BSF ć F 8BS PG UIF 3FCFMMJPO B $PNQJMBUJPO PG UIF 0ď DJBM 3FDPSET PG UIF 6OJPO BOE $POGFEFSBUF "SNJFT SFGFSSFE UP BT UIF 0ď DJBM 3FDPSET PS KVTU 03 and ć F 0ď DJBM .JMJUBSZ "UMBT PG UIF $JWJM 8BS #PUI XPSLT XFSF BVUIPSJ[FE BOE GVOEFE CZ DPOHSFTT ć F 4FDSFUBSZ PG War appointed and President Harrison approved the committee to compile and publish the 47 volumes of the OR and UIF 0ď DJBM "UMBT 0OF NFNCFS PG UIF DPNNJUUFF XBT -FTMJF + 1FSSZ I don’t know how many times I’ve seen Perry’s name when opening these two references. But, it wasn’t until I start FE QSFMJNJOBSZ SFTFBSDI GPS 1BPMB T SPMF JO UIF #BUUMF PG 8FTUQPSU UIBU UIF OBNF KVNQFE PČ UIF QBHF *T JU QPTTJCMF UIJT Leslie J. Perry once lived and worked in Paola?

* ĕ SFE VQ UIF DPNQVUFS BOE TUBSUFE NJOJOH GPS UIF BOTXFS All I found was “Leslie J. Perry of Kansas”. I knew before TUBSJOH NZ TFBSDI UIBU 1FSSZ MFę 1BPMB BOE XFOU UP .JDIJHBO therefore, I never thought to start my search at the museum. :PV SF SJHIU * XBT iUPP MBUF TNBSUw ć F BOTXFS UP NZ RVFTUJPO XBT JO UIF PCJU ĕ MFT Leslie J. Perry was born July 15, 1843 in Cass County, Mich igan. As a young lad he moved with his family to Wisconsin where he attended school for a very short time. He learned the QSJOUJOH USBEF BOE TUBSUFE XPSL JO B QSJOUJOH Pď DF BU UIF BHF PG 11. As B. J. Sheridan said, he was a “self-taught genius”. At the age of 17, he enlisted in a Wisconsin regiment as a private. When the Civil War ended, he was a Captain.

Captain Perry took part in most of the major battles fought by the Army of the Potomac. He was captured during the ĕ STU #BUUMF PG #VMM 3VO .BOBTTBT BOE TFSWFE NPOUIT BT B QSJTPOFS PG XBS "ę FS CFJOH FYDIBOHFE IF SFKPJOFE IJT regiment. During the Battle of Gettysburg, he was wounded. Perry was captured a second time and spent nine months BT B 108 JO UISFF EJČ FSFOU QSJTPOT POF XBT "OEFSTPOWJMMF $BQUBJO 1FSSZ XBT BU "QQPNBUUPY $PVSU )PVTF XIFO General Lee surrenders the Army of Northern Virginia. L. J. Perry came to Kansas in 1869. He was either part owner or owner of newspapers in Garnett, Ottawa, Parsons, ć BZFS BOE 1BPMB *O 1BPMB $BQU 1FSSZ FTUBCMJTIFE UIF Western Spirit. ć F ĕ STU JTTVF XBT QSJOUFE JO UIF CBTFNFOU PG the Rainey Block in 1871. Perry managed the Spirit until 1878. Having sold out to Carroll, Clarke, and Highley, he moved to Kansas City. Returning to Paola in 1879, he purchased the Republican Citizen from G.A. Colton. In the spring of 1880, Perry purchased the Miami Republican from J. H. Rice and Sons. He then merged the Citizen with the

Republican . Perry sold the Republican in 1885 and moved to Michigan. In the late 1870s, Perry and John H. Rice (former owner of the Republican ) became engaged in a “war of words”, culminating in a libel suit. Leslie Jay Perry was a republican and active in the Kansas Republican Party. He was elected several times as a delegate to the State convention and served as the Secretary of the Conventions. Captain Perry served two terms as Paola’s Postmaster. Leslie Jay Perry died at his home in Washington D.C., on April 24, 1910. He lived in Paola for almost 20 years. His two daughters were born and raised in Paola. At the time of his death, his wife lived at their home on an island in the Potomac River and his daughters lived in Washington D.C.

Page 8 Jim Bousman

In October the local area has been abuzz with the KC Roy BMT HPJOH JOUP UIF "NFSJDBO -FBHVF QMBZPČ T BOE UIFO UIF World Series. Bernice pulled up some base ball items that were in storage that are of local interest. If you have any old photos of community ball teams such as “Flake’s Tavern” the museum would like to copy them and return the originals.

Page 9

Robert Lykins Donates Medical Bag *O NPSF UIBO B EFDBEF CFGPSF 1BPMB XBT JODPSQPSBUFE %S %BWJE -ZLJOT +S ĕ STU DBNF UP UIF BSFB UP IFMQ establish the Wea Baptiste Mission east of where the Miami County Medical Center stands today. For nearly a decade, David and his wife, Abigail Ann, along with fellow instructor Sarah Osgood, taught the Indi an children in the area at the Wea Baptiste Indian School. David and his partner, Dr. Woodson Hoover, also practiced medicine together at the mission. Any sick mem ber of the Wea, Kaskaskia, Piankishaw or Peoria Indians likely would have found themselves treated by David or Woodson. Now, more than 170 years later, local residents can visit the Miami County Historical Museum in Paola and TFF UIF TBNF CSPXO MFBUIFS NFEJDBM CBH UIBU %BWJE -ZLJOT VTFE UP USFBU IJT QBUJFOUT ć F CBH XBT EPOBUFE UP UIF museum earlier this month by one of Lykins’ descendants. Robert David Lykins of Hutto, Texas, is the great-great-grandson of Dr. David Lykins. Museum volunteer and local Indian expert Lloyd Peckman said he couldn’t believe it when he answered the phone at the museum a few weeks back and Robert David Lykins was on the other end of the line. As it turned out, another Lykins family member recently passed away, and several family heirlooms changed IBOET ć F CBH XFOU UP 3PCFSU %BWJE -ZLJOT BOE IF UIPVHIU JU XBT BQQSPQSJBUF UP SFUVSO JU UP .JBNJ $PVOUZ )F arrived with his son Phillip earlier this month, and museum volunteer Jim Bousman said the bag will be dis played with a small Bible that was owned by Mary Elizabeth Lykins, who was married to Dr. Woodson Hoover. In 1852, Dr. David Lykins lost his wife, Abigail, and their 6-year-old son, Charles, as well as his fellow teacher, 4BSBI ć F DBVTF PG UIFJS EFBUIT JT OPU EPDVNFOUFE BMUIPVHI 1FDLNBO BOE #PVTNBO TBJE UIFZ TVTQFDU JU XBT some type of illness, such as smallpox, cholera or typhoid fever. ć F NVTFVN BMTP IBT UIF POMZ LOPXO QJDUVSF PG %S %BWJE -ZLJOT ‰ B DIBSDPBM ESBXJOH PG IJN MFBOJOH BHBJOTU his wife’s tombstone in a cemetery near the Wea Baptiste Mission. ć PTF XIP TUPQ CZ UIF NVTFVN NBZ BMTP MFBSO B MJUUMF CJU BCPVU UIF -ZLJOT GBNJMZ BOE MFHBDZ -ZLJOT IFMQFE ESBę UIF *OEJBO 5SFBUZ XIJDI XBT TJHOFE CZ 1SFTJEFOU 'SBOLMJO 1JFSDF BOE MBUFS SFTVMUFE JO the removal of the Indians to Oklahoma. He also was one of the incorporators of the Historical and Philosophi cal Society of the Kansas Territory. Between 1855 and 1858, Dr. David Lykins was elected as the 4th District senator for the Kansas Territorial -FHJTMBUVSF BOE .JBNJ $PVOUZ XBT OBNFE Bę FS IJN XIFO JU XBT PSJHJOBMMZ DBMMFE -ZLJOT $PVOUZ *U XBT MBUFS changed due to his pro-slavery views, and he was asked to leave the county. When the free-staters took over in 1861, Lykins moved back with his brother, Johnston, who was an early set UMFS BOE ĕ STU NBZPS PG ,BOTBT $JUZ .P In 1909, Edward Lykins erected a memorial for his father and mother, and it is still located in the west Oak Grove section of Paola Cemetery.

Page 10

Robert David Lykins of Hutto, Texas who donated the bag with his son Phillip.

Ad from Southern Kansas Hearld Osawatomie Ks. 1866 KSHS

ć F .VTFVN JT OFFEJOH WPMVOUFFST Stop by and give us a helping hand.

Page 11


Page 12

Clarence E Haywood was the speaker at the annual fund raiser dinner. )JT CPPL ić F -PTU :FBSTw UFMMT PG UIF QMJHIU PG UIF .ZBBNJB USJCF XIFO they were relocated to Kansasin 1846. ć JT CPPL JT BWBMJBCMF BU UIF .VTFN GPS UBY JODMVEFE

Lloyd Peckman created a display of Myaamia tribe leaders of the past and current day. ć F BSSPX QPJOUT PO EJTQMBZ XFSF QSPWJEFE CZ 1IJM .JOEFO PG 1BPMB

Page 13

Page 14 ć F .JOJUVSF "SU (VJME IFME B TVDFTTGVM TIPX JO UIF NVTFN JO +VOF ć JT JT BO BOOVMF TIPX DPNF CZ OFYU ZFBS UP see some incredable examples of small paintings.

J. Carl Haley, age 86, passed away July 9, 2014 at his home in Paola, Kansas.

Carl was born February 25, 1928, to Harrison and Emma Haley, at Micawber, Oklahoma. His father died in 1932 and his mother died in 1977. Carl was reared and went to school in Okemah, Oklahoma. In May of 1946, he enlisted in the service with Battery B 4th FA Bn RTC and then was discharged to enlist into the regular Army to serve 18 months. During that service time he was assigned to the 521st Engineer Construction Battalion in Seoul, Korea, for four months, serving 12 months as tech 5 cook. He received his honorable discharge October 28, 1947. He returned to Okemah to work until moving to Paola in 1949. He made his home with his sister, Mary and her husband, Chuck Hollinsworth and was employed by Elmer Hagemeyer as maintenance man for the swimming pool and the Pla-Mart dance hall. )F NBSSJFE .JMESFE (SFBHPČ )BSU PO "VHVTU BU 1BPMB 6OJUFE .FUIPEJTU $IVSDI $BSM XBT employed by Miami County Highway Dept. from 1951 until the fall of 1952 when he was hired by Phillips Pipe Line Company terminal in Paola, Kansas, retiring in 1985 as Supervisor of the mechanical

DSFX )F DPBDIFE "NFSJDBO -FHJPO -JUUMF -FBHVF CBTFCBMM BOE IFMQFE XJUI $VC 4DPVUT JO UIF FBSMZ T )JT IPCCJFT JODMVEFE ĕ TIJOH and hunting, bowling with Phillips Pipe Line league tournaments at Bartlesville, Oklahoma and various Paola teams, and RV-ing with GBNJMZ GSJFOET BOE UIF ć SFF 5SBJMT $BNQJOH $MVC PG 0MBUIF )F FODPVOUFSFE BOE NBEF NBOZ IBQQZ BOE GVO NFNPSJFT XJUI GBNJMZ BOE GSJFOET BMPOH MJGF T XBZ "ę FS SFUJSFNFOU $BSM BOE .JMESFE XFSF BCMF UP NBLF UIFJS iESFBN USJQw UP "MBTLB UP DFMFCSBUF UIFJS UI XFE ding anniversary and enjoyed retirement with numerous travel trips to other states, areas, and points of interests. Wintering in Arizona was a favored annual trip until macular degeneration claimed his eyesight in 2006 and he became legally blind and no longer able to drive. Carl was one of six children – three brothers, Sam, Albert and Dan and one sister, Lorene are deceased. Carl is survived by an older sister, Mary Hollinsworth-Wilson of Smithville, TX. His immediate survivors are his wife, Mildred, of the home; children, Kay Ged NJOBT +JN PG ,BOTBT $JUZ ,4 4UFQIFO )BMFZ %FCSB PG TPVUIFSO $" .POJDB #JDLFSTUBČ - % PG 1FSSJO 59 HSBOEDIJMESFO +VTUJO Jarsulic (Erin) of Lee’s Summit, MO, Tony Gedminas of Tulsa, OK, Leslie Gedminas of Kansas City, MO, Kyleen McGovern (Brad) of Napa Valley, CA, Nathan Haley of Lawrence, KS, Krista Sherman (Tony) of Shawnee, KS; and great grandchildren, Bailey Jarsulic, Josie Jarsulic, Molly McGovern and Rory McGovern. *O MJFV PG Ę PXFST UIF GBNJMZ TVHHFTUT NFNPSJBM DPOUSJCVUJPOT UP 1BPMB 6OJUFE .FUIPEJTU $IVSDI 1BPMB "NFSJDBO -FHJPO 1PTU PS Paola Lions Club Sight Preservation. Private inturnment service will be at Hillsdale Cemetery, Hillsdale, KS.

William Eugene Ewan, age 85, of Paola, Kansas passed away April 17, 2014 at his home.

Bill was born on January 7, 1929 in Olathe, Kansas to Floyd and Lula E. Ewan. He attended Olathe Public Schools and graduated from Olathe High School in 1947 and Central Business College in 1950. He was married to Mildred Colleen Metz on July 22, 1948. Bill worked at Dennis Chevrolet in Olathe for 15 years. He went to work for Chrysler Corporation in 1961 as an Internal Auditor. In his XPSL GPS $ISZTMFS IF USBWFMFE FYUFOTJWFMZ BOE MFę UIF DPSQPSBUJPO BT "DDPVOUJOH 4VQFSWJTPS JO *O IF CFDBNF UIF $ISZTMFS %FBMFS JO 1BPMB ,BOTBT "ę FS MFBWJOH UIF EFBMFSTIJQ JO IF XFOU

to work with Colleen at Landmark Title Company until he retired in 1991. #JMM MPWFE UP CF PVUEPPST UP DBNQ IVOU ĕ TI HBSEFO BOE SBJTF DBUUMF

He and Colleen cruised to the Caribbean three times and Alaska four times. Bill liked trains and they rode every Amtrak route in the USA and some Via routes in Canada. He was always active in real estate and had rentals in Johnson, Miami, and Linn counties. He also subdivided several farms.

#JMM JT TVSWJWFE CZ IJT XJGF $PMMFFO UXP TPOT 3PCFSU PG 0MBUIF BOE ć PNBT 1BN PG 1BPMB POF EBVHIUFS 4VTBO %VOBXBZ PG )VO tington Beach, CA; three grandchildren and two great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, sister Phoebe Kneisley, and brother James Ewan. Memorials may be made to the Miami County Historical Museum or the First Presbyterian Church. Page 15


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by LuAnne Debrick

Not long ago, an inquiry came into the Museum for historical information on the Ahrens Building on the South side of UIF TRVBSF OPX LOPXO BT 5PXO 4RVBSF GPSNFSMZ &WFSHSFFO &WFOUT ć JT CVJMEJOH XBT CVJMU JO UIF T BOE IBT IPVTFE everything from the Ahrens Department Store, to Kroger Grocery, to an antique store, to Fickel’s Furniture Store. In researching the history of the building, we came across the following obituarie which tell an interesting story of the Ahrens family and the founding of the Ahrens Department Store. Mr. Ahrens was a German immigrant who came to this country in 1866. He started the business on the West side of the TRVBSF BT ić F -JUUMF %VUDI 4UPSFw BOE QSPTQFSFE BT B 1BPMB CVTJOFTT NBO 'PMMPXJOH IJT EFBUI IJT TJY DIJMESFO DBSSJFE PO UIF CVTJOFTT &WFO UXFOUZ ZFBST MBUFS UIF ,BOTBT $JUZ 5JNFT GFBUVSFE BO BSUJDMF BCPVU IJT MJGF BOE UIF FČ FDU IF IBE PO UIF growth of Paola and its business community. An interesting read !!!!

"ISFOT &SOTU ć FPEPSF ć F QBTTJOH BXBZ PG & 5 "ISFOT MBTU 4BUVSEBZ NPSOJOH November 11, takes from Paola and Miami Co. one of our oldest and most substantial merchants and citizens. His long career as a successfully business man, a sociable and genial gentleman, with a friendly word for every person and a kind word for every child, endeared him to everyone, and there was scarcely a family in all Miami Co. but who knew him and had the kindest regard and respect for him. His recent illness XBT PG CSJFG EVSBUJPO ć SFF XFFLT BHP IF XBT UBLFO XJUI B slight attack of pleurisy and a few days later with rheuma UJTN -BTU 'SJEBZ Bę FSOPPO IF GFMU TP NVDI CFUUFS IPX FWFS that he was down at the store. Friday evening he retired as VTVBM CVU 4BUVSEBZ NPSOJOH IF XBT OPU UIF ĕ STU EPXO TUBJST as was his custom. His daughter, Miss Dell Ahrens, and wife got the morning meal and Miss Dell went to his room and he told her he did not feel so well. At 6:40, partially dressed,

he went down stairs and laid down on a sofa. and had been there only a brief time when his daughter found him life less. His death is, attributed to rheumatism of the heart. E.T. Ahrens was born July 7, 1844, on a farm near Mid lum, Prussia, Germany. He was the youngest of six chil ESFO )JT QBSFOUT EJFE XIFO IF XBT MFTT UIBO ĕ WF ZFBST PG age and he was raised by his aunt. He was educated in the German Schools, and in 1864 came to America, to Por tage, Columbia-co., Wisconsin near where he worked for B TIPSU UJNF PO B GBSN BOE Bę FSXBSET DMFSLFE JO B TUPSF at Portage. From there he went to Dakota. and remaining there only for a short time he went to Kansas City, where he came Paola with John Warneke in the fall of 1870 And opened’ a general merchandise “store on the west side of UIF QBSL VOEFS UIF ĕ SN OBNF PG "ISFOT 8BSOFLF ć FZ prospered from the opening of their store and soon en gaged exclusively in the dry goods and clothing business. In 1882 Mr. Ahrens purchased Mr. Warneke’s interest and for two years conducted the business alone, when he formed a stock company by taking his clerks into partnership. ..,r and Fred Schmitz for a number years have been the pro QSJFUPST BOE IBWF DPOEVDUFE POF PG UIF ĕ OFTU BOE NPTU QSPT perous dry goods and clothing houses in eastern Kansas. Mr. Ahrens was married May 20, 1873, to Josie Har tell at Independence, Mo., who with four sons and two EBVHIUFST TVSWJWF IJN ć F DIJMESFO BSF %PSB .BZ %PO J., Della A., D. H., Darwin W. and Denton H. Ahrens. Mr. Ahrens possessed a strong individuality and personal ity and was the most striking character in the community. He had a wider acquaintance than any other person in the county, knowing each member of the large number of fam ilies of his acquaintance and his advice was much sought by them. He gave his personal attention to the newspaper BEWFSUJTJOH GPS IJT ĕ SN BOE UIFSF XBT B RVBJOU IVNPS BOE pleasing style about it that made it the subject of favorable comment among the newspapers of this section of the State.

Page 17

Aherns continued on page19

QUERIES .BSTIB ć BZFS needs probate record checked for Luke Vickers purchase of land in Oklahoma. Martha Duncan Pope is looking for information on where Ray Ivan Duncan is buried. JudyRich XBOUT JOGPSNBUJPO PO ć PNBT #VSUPO 5BZ lor, 1879 to mid-1880. Susan Hintz wants information on Phineas Blood Taylor, Sr & Jr. Vaughn Allen wants research on Jingo, Ks Andi Walker wants to purchase copies of 17 Dist. $PVSU SFDPSET BCPVU UIF 6QEFHSBČ GBNJMZ William Lawrence wants copies of two court cases and a marriage license for I.N. Lawrence & Alice True. RickFlood is looking for the Grave of Charles Comer 4BHF BOE BMTP UIF HSBWF PG "OOB & 4BHF ć BSQ (SBTUZ Stephanie Wilson XBOUT DPQJFT PG %JTU $PVSU ĕ MFT Colby Auckland wants pages from Family Histories of Miami County. Charles L. Matteson wants obit for Pfc. Delbert Troutman and booklets “Lest We Forget” and ć FTF SFTFBSDIFST DBNF GSPN UIF TUBUFT PG ,BOTBT .JTTPVSJ Colorado, Arizona, Oklahoma, Illinois, Oregon, Michigan, Connecticut, and Virginia Kerry Wymetalek (Wm. Pittman, Josiah Goodwin) .BSDJB ć BZFS (Boyd, Van Pelt, Vickers) John Bickers (Research for the Miami Tribe of Okla) %BSZM %FČ FOCBVHI (Farris) Martha Scott (Feigner (Fighner) Beery, Dodson) Connie Johnson (Jacob Taylor) Marcia Christy (Frank Richardson) Donna Prother (Bibens) Mildred Haley (Miami Street Project) Wm. Goldsberry (Wm, Fred, Clarissa Goldsberry)

ć F GPMMPXJOH BSF XBML JO SFTFBSDIFST UP UIF -JCSBSZ during these last two quarters and surnames or infor ma t ion being searched. Susan Toman (Toman, Minnie Ryan) Larry James (James) "VESFZ 4UPČ FS (Chandler) Jennie Winn ć PNQTPO 'PSE &MMJT Belinda Wolf-Whitaker )VČ 8PMG )VHICBOLT 8FZ mouth, Stepaniak, Whitaker, Bartlett) Betty Miller (Miller) Charles & Pearl Stout (Wyrick, Lee) Pat Bohannan (Starry school house) J.D. Whaley (Whaley, Andrew & Eliza Walker) DeAnn Danin (Dunivan, Sanders) Pat Harralson (Moran, McGrath, Allen) Dortha Castleberry (Castleberry) Joan McMahon (Walter Jones) NadaRoush (Homer Guy Smith, Robert Homer Gillis) John Atkinson (David Lykins, Wm. Quantrill) JimWilson (Spring Hill School records)

ChriS Kaufman (Kaufman) Steven Finch (Amos Finch) Gary Patillo (Patillo) Samantha Choos (Petitt, Montgomery) Gary Lindsey (Jay Lindsey, Clark Willoughby) DougKiser (Frazier, Upton) Sharon Stewart (Russell, Densmore)

Bob Koehler ( Phillips, Koehler, Loomer, Williams, Booze) Shannon Dixon (Hinkle/Lundy, Matherly, Roseberry, Yackle, Law, Alpert) Larry Moony (Smith, Zimmerman, Lawhead, Mooney, Carnes, Sherman, Walthall) DawnMcVi (Cassida, Connely, Hysom, Querry)

Eleanor Zuvanich (obits) Glenda Simons (Simons) D. Kiser (Davis, McCann) Brenda Spencer (Oyster, Barnes, Gardner)

Page 18

Paola High School Aumni 1888-1988. Nancy Powell if looking for information about Luke .PPSF BOE XJGF &Č BOOBI )JDLT &ď F )JY BOE BMTP Henry Hix). JoAnnRoth is looking for information about Louis William Jackson and grace Jackson Ruthie Ross is looking for the location of a site that was bulldozed into the bottom of Hillsdale Lake. JudyRich JT MPPLJOH GPS JOGPSNBUJPO PO ć PNBT #VS ton Taylor. Charlton Holland is looking for information on John Addison Edwards. April Johnson wants information on Elendor Lillie, her marriages and divorces to John Kendel and Elias Cline. Tom Madigan is researching the Justice Brothers and writing a book. Patricia Goodson wants copy of obit for Flossie J Holmes and information on Clint Parker, City Road Supt.. Colleen Selvage wants obits for Louis Enoch Dick ey, Grace Bell Dickey, Harold Dickey and Mabel B. Dickey. Mary E DePalma is looking for information about her great grandparents Mary Olive and Fedele DePalma. Chad Sidesinger is looking for information o two great aunts, Mary A. and Elizabeth Sellers. Parents of UIF TJTUFST XFSF ć PNBT +FČ FSTPO 4FMMFST BOE &MJ[B beth. Wants to know Elizabeths maiden name. Michael Ellis wants any information about Eos Elis who came to Osawatomie between 1885 and 1889. BobEstes is looking for location of a Miami County farm his parents lived on in 1945-1946. ć FTF RVFSJFT IBWF CFFO SFTFBSDIFE CZ &MTJF $PSEMF and Iris Kluber. ć FTF RVFSJFT IBWF CFFO SFTFBSDIFE CZ &MTJF $PSEMF and Iris Kluber

Last week’s Paola papers published the advertisements writ ten by him in his usual style and the papers were scarcely circulated over the county before his death was announced. He was regular in his habits and prompt in business mat ters and in meeting his engagements. He had regular hours for going to his store and in returning home, and spent much time with his family, to whom he was devot ed. He was studious and. was well informed, being a con stant reader of the daily papers, and kept posted on every subject, besides conducting a very large correspondence. He was formerly a member of the Masonic fraternity, but of recent years did not belong to any order or society. He was raised in’ the Lutheran church, but for many years was B ĕ SN CFMJFWFS JO TQJSJUVBMJTN FYQSFTTJOH IJNTFMG NBOZ times to his family as not afraid to die, as it was only pass ing to a higher life. In conversation with his family he said IF XPVME QSFGFS B XPNBO UP Pď DJBUF BU IJT GVOFSBM XIFO his time came. Mrs. Glen Stevens, a spiritualist reader wife of Dr. Stevens of Kansas City, was sent for and with Dr. Stevens came to the opening of the funeral service to read Mr.Ahrens favorite poem, “Why should the Spirit of MortalbeProud?”whichwasfollowedbyaneloquentaddress. ć SFF PG IJT DIJMESFO XFSF OPU BU IPNF XIFO IF QBTTFE away. D. H. was in Spring Hill, Dora in Kansas City and %BSXJO BU 4QPLBOF 8BTIJOHUPO ć F MBUUFS DPVME OPU SFBDI here in time for the funeral, but will be at home soon. With his family he is survived by two brothers, Freder ick in Spokane, Washington, and Edward, in Germany. ć F GVOFSBM XBT MBSHFMZ BUUFOEFE CZ IJT PME GSJFOET from Paola and surrounding country and was one of the largest ever held in Paola. Mr. Ahrens will be sad ly missed in Miami County’ and his memory will live while life lasts with the many who knew him. Aherns continued from page 19

TOMORROW IS ANOTHER TOWN ć F "OBUPNZ PG B $JSDVT An autobiography by James R. Patterson A history of the Great Patterson Shows when the circus maintained winter quarters in Paola. Tax included price is $28.00 plus S&H

Page 19

Paola, Kansas 9-18-14 To; Miami County Historical Museum From; Lloyd L. Peckman Subject: NATIVE AMERICAN AWAKENING:

For the Miami County Historical Museum’s October 14th , Annual Fund raising event the Board decided to headline it as “Native Americans in Miami County”. Clarence Eugene (Gene) Hayward will be our featured speaker. Recently much more Indian activity has been in the news. “Plains Indians: Artists of the Earth and Sky” will open at the Nelson-Atkins Museum this week. /PU POF QMBDF JO (FOF )BZXBSE T CPPL ić F -PTU :FBST .JBNJ *OEJBOT JO ,BOTBTw EPFT IF VTF /BUJWF "NFSJDBO 0O page V, Acknowledgement, he states “I shall always be indebted to my grandmother, Addie Billington Leonard, for her encouragement about being proud of my Indian background”. His family has always been active at Miami, Oklahoma. His great grand parents lived at the Old Miami Village near Fontana. His wife, Helen, went to school at Fontana and had a rela tive buried at the Miami Village Cemetery. Gene (Clarence Eugene) was born near Miami, Oklahoma. He obtained his B.S. Degree in Education and Masters work at Pittsburg State, Pittsburg, Kansas. He then got his Minster of Divinity at Central States Seminary, was a Pastor for 20 years at Ottumwa, Iowa. (FOF ĕ STU CSPVHIU IJT OFX CMVF CPPL UP 1BPMB JO * WF OFWFS NFU B NPSF HFOUMF BOE IVNCMF QFSTPO #FDBVTF PG NZ close relationship to the owners, I was able to have the land-owners; Raymond Rodewald and John Grother show Gene the Miami Village sites. ć FO B ZFBS MBUFS (FPSHF 4USBDL BOE IJT TPO (FPSHF *SPOTUSBDL GSPN .JBNJ 6OJWFSTJUZ 0YGPSE 0IJP WJFXFE UIF TJUFT plus the trail down the hill on Vernon Prothe’s land and the Rockville area. Last November the Miami Tribal Pow-Wow was held at the Paola Community Center to introduce their new Chief, Douglas Langford and the Business Council. A picture was taken of the group at the front door. Last Saturday another Tribal meeting was held at Timbercreek Resturant in Louisburg, Kansas. It was held primarily as a Miami language study

meeting by Bobbe Burcke and Jarrid Bald win of Oxford, Ohio. During the study session a picture was taken of George Strack, Bobbe and Jarrid standing at the front of the class and Bob Walker in the foreground. Bobbe and Jarrid visited our Paola Museum on Friday and viewed our 1869 Indian Group Picture. During the Louisburg session, the sub ject of care of the Wea-Dagenett ceme tery came up. Chief Langford reported that Donya William was in charge of the Cemetery Committee but ask for local volunteers. Gary and Randy McCoy, Dan Drake and Bob Masenthin are local Tribal members and volunteered to contact the landowner and Dr. John Gangel who lives

L-R standing: Gean Strack, JarrBaldwin and Bobby Burcke all from Mi ami University Oxford, Ohio

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at S.W. corner of that section. September 28, 2013, the 40 member Potawatomie 5 year Trail of Death trip came through or Museum and viewed the artifact in our back room before going on to Linn county. Because a new monu ment was placed in Heritage Park, the trail is being changed. A picture of that new Monument was taken. Last March, Betty Bendorf, Wayne Johnson, LeAnn Sheilds and I met with Johnson County Parks and Rec Director Bill Maasen and three Trail experts and a Potowatomie representative. ć FZ XJMM QVU VQ OFX TJHOT JODMVEJOH TJHOT across 175th street to Ridgview and then to old KC Road. Johnson County views the trail following the Santa Fe-California Trail GSPN 3FE #SJEHF UP VQQFS $PČ FF $SFFL near Heritage Park because the heavy wag POT DPVME OPU DSPTT TNBMM TJEF DSFFLT ć F Santa Fe California trail had not yet been named. All of my meetings with tribal members has been very welcoming and respectful. Lloyd L. Peckman

L to R: Virgenia Peckman, Helen Haywood, Van Haywood., Clarence ”Gean” Haywood and Lloyd Peckman

Page 21

Miami County Cave "T PME NFO TJU BSPVOE JO UIF DPČ FF TIPQ they visit about many subjects. One item of interest came up recently was about an old cave over by Somerset, Kansas. As this cave is on private property we won’t disclose it’s location. ć F GPMMPXJOH UFYU JT B FYDFSQU JT GSPN B CPPL “Caves In Kansas” by cave explorers James Young and Jonathan Beard, available from Amazon.com Caves in the Argentine Limestone Member Cave Spring Cave, the longest cave in Pennsylvanian limestone in Kansas, is found in the Argentine Limestone Member of the 8ZBOEPUUF -JNFTUPOF ĕ H 8FTU Ę PXJOH 4PVUI 8FB $SFFL IBT DVU through the Argentine limestone, exposing UIJT .JBNJ $PVOUZ DBWF JO UIF WBMMFZ XBMM ć F cave’s passage trends north-northwest, and its south-southeast-facing entrance drains its XBUFS JOUP B QPOE XIPTF PWFSĘ PX SVOT JOUP South Wea Creek. ć F "SHFOUJOF -JNFTUPOF .FNCFS JT MJHIU olive gray to grayish orange, thin-bedded, and cherty in the area of Cave Spring Cave. ć F GFFU NFUFST PG TVSWFZFE passage in the cave is mostly a stooping or hands-and-knees crawling passage through water. In several places cave explorers must lie in water to slide under areas of low ceiling. Chert nodules protruding from the ceiling BOE XBMMT NBLF UIF DSBXM NPSF EJď DVMU "T in Jack Spring Cave in the Flint Hills, Cave Spring Cave’s cold water and demanding pas sage make a wet suit mandatory to avoid the danger of hypothermia.

Page 22

Miami County Publications--Inventory Clearance Sale TOMORROW IS ANOTHER TOWN ć F "OBUPNZ PG B $JSDVT An autobiography by James R. Patterson A history of the Great Patterson Shows when the circus maintained winter quarters in Paola Journeys of Ursuline Academy & College ć F IJTUPSZ PG 6STVMJOF $PMMFHF XJUI QFSTPOBM TUPSJFT TDSBQCPPLT BOE QIPUPT ć F NVTFVN JT TPME PVU BU UIJT UJNF You can order your copy from Amazon. com Family Histories and Stories of Miami County, Kansas, 1987 VOL I CD or DVD now available Reduced Now only $20.00 plus P&H Family Histories and Stories of Miami County, Kansas, 1998 VOL II Hardback Excess Inventory Sale $20.00 plus P&H Cemeteries of Miami County, Vol. I (rural south 2/3 of county) Beagle, Block, Cashman, Daganett, Debrick, Fontana; Frank, Greenvalley, Herman, Highland, Hodges, Indianapolis, Jingo, Lessenden, Mannen, Miami, County Poor Farm, Mound Creek/Mount Nebo, New Hope, New Lancaster, Rock ville, Settle, Spring Gtove, Stanton, Whiteford and Wilson-Raymer Hardback (Reprint) $19.50 plus P&H Cemeteries of Miami County, Vol. II (north 1/3 of county ) Antioch, Ayers, Bucyrus, Old Marysville, Hillsdale (old & new), Louisburg (old & new), Pleasant Valley, Rock Creek, 4DPUU T 7BMMFZ 4PNFSTFU 4U .BSZ T 8BHTUBČ 8FB )PMZ 3PTBSZ -BOF 4IJWFMZ JO 'SBOLMJO $P Hardback (Reprint) $19.50 plus P&H Cemeteries of Miami County, Vol. III Paola City, Oswatomie City, Holy Trinty, Memorial Gardens and 1990 updates for all cemeteries Hardback $25.00 plus P&H (Glenwild & Sharen in Cass Co.) Illustrated Historical Atlas of Miami County, 1878, 1901 or 1927 Photocopies of the original Atlas includes many pictures and ownership maps of the county 4Pę CBDL QMVT 1 ) Index of Taxpayers of Miami County, 1878 Lists of land owners or residents $3.00 plus $1.00 for P&H ć F 4UPSZ PG 1BPMB CZ .D-BDIMJO 4Pę CBDL 1BSU BOE )BSECBDL 1BSU XJUI *OEFY UP CPUI QBSUT 4PME BT B TFU QMVT 1 ) 4Pę CBDL 1BSU index only for original book owners $5.00 Barns of Miami County, Kansas 457 old barns in full color 136 pages $39.95 plus P&H WW I Letters Home by Jim Bousman $25.00 plus $5.00 P&H Paola in 2nd. Half of the 20th Century by Ross, $5.00 plus P&H -Great Book! Good Buy!! $MJČ 8SJHIU T 8PSME 8BS ** ForOne, $18.27 plus P&H and Kansas Folklore $21.46 plus P&H And So It Began by Bettie Garrison Ore ć F .JBNJ $PVOUZ )JTUPSJDBM 4PDJFUZ QSJDF QMVT 1 ) Lest We Forget (List of Osawatomie Alumni) $5.00 plus P&H

,BOTBT ć FO /PX $20.00 plus tax and $5.00 P&H Paola High School Alumni 1888-1988 $5.00 plus P&H All of the above prices include sales tax. Please make checks to: e-mail: info@ thinkmiamicountyhistory.com

Miami Co. Gen / Hist Societies 12 East Peoria, Paola, Kansas 66071-0123 Phone 913-294-4940 Web site www.thinkmiamicountyhistory.com

Page 23

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