Exploration Insight 2022 - OEUK


OEUK: Climate Compatibility Consultation response https://oeuk.org.uk/consultation-international-support-copy/

OEUK / Exploration Task Force: Responsible investment for a low carbon future http://oeuk.org.uk/product/exploration-task-force-investment-pack-responsible-investment for-a-low-carbon-future/ Science Direct: CO 2 storage capacity calculations for the Dutch subsurface . L.G.H. (Bert) van der Meer*, Ferhat Yavuz IOP Science: Carbon capture and storage – Owain Tucker Exploration Task Force: Exploration & appraisal for CO 2 storage sites in the UK. https://explorationtaskforce.org.uk/events-1 NSTA: 2021 UK NSTA Oil and gas reserves and resources report. https://www.nstauthority.co.uk/media/8394/reserves-and-resources-2022.pdf Westwood Global Energy: UKCS Prospectivity report for OEUK, Q4 2021 https://www.westwoodenergy.com/ UK Government: British Energy Security Strategy https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/british-energy-security-strategy/british energy-security-strategy OEUK 2022 Business Outlook https://oeuk.org.uk/product/business-outlook-report-2022/ OEUK 2022 Emissions Report https://oeuk.org.uk/product/emissions-report/



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