USD Football 1992

No. 4

loudldown lllal'tfQlod --------- Magazine President Jarred t,1etze Publisher Parrela L. - V.P., Operations Robert L Fultcn V.P., Associate Publisher Peggy Kearrey Managing Editor Artys warfield TOI Editors Scott Van Carr4J, Charles Sabatino Copy Editor Jon Cooper Director, Production and Manufacturing GloriaYoohda Production Managers Claudette Keane, Aetna D::,,,st Brennan Assistant Production Manager Micl1ael Wendt Systems Manager Christoprer Hyams Hall Traffic Coordinators Mary Powell. Na.iLeen V.P., Marketing O,ris Fuentes Senior Vice Presk:lent MichaelGocd-Mn V.P., Promotion Services MichaelD. Rnz Sales Offices: BIRMINGHAM: fu:mas Kb; ;ID\lesUMa flmva,; &.tte29JJ. llmrgia-n, Al.35216Tel.(3E)9ml181 BOSTON: Cmstq:l,e-Haggerty, Bay214 Ll"rn\\ra1. lloool. MA 02100Ta:(617)742-2644:a·,H= flcGralh. 100 u-..i \\rai. lloool. MA021C9Tel(617)3;7{1)55 CHICAGO: Ma/1< ~ Sl"""'1Ca-r.,i:,el. [01 N Oa1< St. a-.:ag,, ILOC610Tel:(312)321-11 lQ a-d °""1Mi!. &.tte400. o.!as, TX 752C6Tel: (214)8269m DETROIT: ,.bse!:/, 7011 Lnl0'mete0r. Ell:xJTtel:j eis. MJ 483J1 (313)6264l1aa-dJay~.28165Gaerlield Rd &.ie214.Sµrgfad.MJ40076Tel·(313)– LOSANGELES: °"1Pa1<0', 11l376Ama-,<>A"'.&.tte2.Loo Mgeles,CA9'.Xlj4 Ta:(310)557-153,a-dllaba-aNelm odd Smn;, Dal Pun, :m~ BMJ. S....400, Ma-ra Del Ray. CA90292Tel· (310)578-7656 NEW YORK:NeiF,roer, Vce F\e9da't &¥,y N Gooleb. Vee F\e9da't Th:mHemg. VceFlesdEnPaJAtl~.OllS K11<1:,;.Stepte,--.., f\;JJyGassdy,PtiGoolva-\355Lexrlg'roA"'··"""Ycrk. NY 10017 Tel:(212)007-1400 Sales Coon:linators NeMnan. Greltla 8as!on Vending Manager JolY1 Cur1i © 1992 Professional Sport~ Pub!icattons, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction 1n whole or 1n part without written permissioo is prohibited. Touchdown Illustrated is published ~, 1mlS ootween Septentier 1 and December 1 each ye;,,. Art Director Pat l<:lEH Palm

In This Issue: 1 ■• SEEKING A FAVORABLE RETURN The ability of teams to score on punt returns is a point of, and something that can keep teamsin, contention. •• • THE HYPE-SMAN? In the quest for the Heisman Trophy, being the best on the field may take second place to being the best in the press. Television has not always been the media force in college football that it is today. •• • BLUE STEEL AND BROWN METTLE It was 1942 when a coach name Paul Brown awoke the sleeping giant known as the Ohio State Buckeyes, and led them to the national title. ••• SMILE FOR THE CAMERA

••• RUNNING TARGETS Running backs still run in the '90s, but more and more of their running involves pass patterns. ••• FANTASTIC VOYAGE The strategies of the two-minute drill, which result in those fantastic finishes. are as diverse as the teams that face them. ••• THE BOTTLE ROCKET Allegheny tailback Stanley Drayton streaks across the Division Ill conference, leaving defenders in his wake.


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