HERMÈS - 2018 Registration document


Corporate social responsibility

People: teams

Industrial activity Since 2003, the industrial affairs department has been leading an Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) network comprising EHS mana- gers from the House’s different métiers . With around 20 members, it meets several times a year to set targets, share results and learn about best practices in each of the métiers . The main actions of the House’s various métiers are described below. In most cases, they go beyond simple regulatory compliance to achieve true well-being at work. Each métier has its specific needs as regards working conditions, so it is logical for each one to create its own arrangements. Leather goods The Leather Goods division aims to make its production units safe places, supporting tradition, excellence in savoir-faire and innovation. The resources enabling employees to work safely, perform their duties over the long term, and protect their health are a priority within each establishment. In order to structure the approach, a Health and Safety at the Workplace roadmapwas developed by Groupmanagement and is organised around s s makeworkplacehealthandsafetycultureapermanentconsideration. Based on this roadmap, 27 action plans were coordinated across all leather goods sites in 2018, resulting in remarkable improvements in this area, which is vital to achieve excellence in the craft industry. One of the priorities of this roadmap is the fight against musculo-skeletal disorders. Among the 2018 initiatives, we can mention in particular the roll-out across all leather goods sites of an ergo-motricity module provi- ded to more than 1,800 craftsmen and women. These sessions aim to better prepare the body and address the stress inherent in saddlery and leather goods activities. The division’s senior management meets each quarter to discuss issues of health and safety at work. It guides strategy on priority topics, encou- rages local initiatives and validates the actions of central coordination. An external body evaluates the degree towhich the production units have adopted a strong health and safety culture in accordance with Maison Hermès’ own guidelines. AnHSEmanager is appointedat every Leather Goods divisionproduction unit. He/she is responsible for monitoring progress plans agreed with his/her management in accordance with the Group’s HSE policy. The HSE manager deals with everyday hygiene, health and safety matters, working closely with the cross-functional maintenance and occupational health departments. Central coordination ensures the consistency of the improvement plans carried out by each production unit and establishes priorities. It provides six strategic areas for 2018 to 2020: s s eliminate any risk of serious injury; s s comply with regulations; s s protect our employees’ health in the long term; s s aim for zero accidents; s s take care of our employees’ well-being;

material support to the actions carried out on site, selects experts when their participation is needed, and monitors changes in regulations and technical innovations. It develops and distributes shared training, repor- ting and regulatory compliance tools. Multiple actions and considerable resources are implemented to protect the health of our employees and the employees of external companies operating at our sites. These include individual training froma network of partner physiotherapists, offered to craftsmen and women with the aim of preventing problems, or correcting problems for those experiencing pain or discomfort affecting their professional or personal lives. Since 2013, 1,050 craftspeople have followed these individual programmes with convincing results from themeasures taken, both objective (i.e. phy- siological), and more subjective (such as the level of pain felt by the craftsmen and women before and after the programme). As an example of anobjectivemeasure: onaverage, all craftsmenandwomenhaving fol- lowed this programme gained 16% in the field of motion of the shoulder. Local events are an opportunity to involve our employees in health & safety matters. In 2018, a “health & well-being” week was, for exa- mple, coordinated at the three production units of the Franche-Comté division, focusing on three areas: Prevention, Nutrition & Physical Well- being with 10 different workshops (yoga for eyes, SOS hands, vitamin boost, nutrition, etc.) presented to all employees. Another example is the Maroquinerie de Sayat, where a health day included a shiatsu workshop, a conference on sleep, screening for visual impairment issues, and a round table on diet. Lastly, at the Maroquinerie Iséroise, an awareness-raising film on work- place health and safety culture was produced jointly by an artisan cutter and the site’s HSE manager. The video was broadcast to all employees during an event dedicated to workplace safety in April 2018. In addition to these ad hoc events, the leather goods sites provide finan- cial support and offer daily initiatives to encourage employees to exer- cise and to foster their well-being: s s access to exercise classes, for example at the Maroquinerie des Ardennes, which offers stretching andmuscle strengthening classes. They are taught by a specially trained craftsperson. Since June 2018, the Maroquinerie de Belley has also been organising two weekly sports sessions enabling employees to exercise at the workplace at the end of their day. The Maroquinerie de Normandie offers its employees a weekly pilates session; s s each Leather Goods site offersmuscular awakening sessions or com- pensation exercises at the start of and during work; s s the forming of teams to participate in local sports and charity events is encouraged, such as at the Sayat production unit, which partici- pated in an event supporting an association fighting breast cancer in Clermont-Ferrand, and the Leather Goods division in the South- West, which participated in the Foulées d’Angoulême race and the Marche Rose walk; s s the Maroquinerie Nontronnaise, which provided a masseur, with the company making a 50% financial contribution.



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