2022 PEICMC Annual Report

Organizational Chart


Hon. D. Mark McLane

Minister Responsible

Quentin Bevan


Perry Gotell

Kim Griffin


Member / Vice-Chair

Susan Milligan

Nicole DesRoche





Daniel MacDonald

Kate Shreenan

Chief Executive Officer

Executive Assistant



Heather Rossiter

Carl Adams

Director, Corporate Affairs and Regulatory Services

Chief Financial Officer



Shawn Alexander

Gerald O’Halloran

Director, Human Resources and Employee Wellness

Acting Director, Supply Chain and Property Management

* Shared-services agreement with the PEI Liquor Control Commission (PEILCC). ** For the reporting period, Honorable Darlene Compton served as Minister responsible for Finance.

Paul Crabbe

Director, Operations and Strategic Development


PEICMC 2021-2022 Annual Report

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