2022 PEICMC Annual Report

PEICMC What guides us

Corporate Vision

To be the preferred source of adult use cannabis.

Mission Statement To provide customers with a retail experience that exceeds their expectations, foster an internal culture of engagement and wellness, and create value for all stakeholders. PEICMC Strategic Pillars Business Results: To become a key contributor to PEI’s general revenue through business excellence and the continuous improvement in operational effectiveness and efficiency. Customer Experience: To achieve and maintain high levels of customer satisfaction through sales channel accessibility, technical innovation, merchandising value, and high responsiveness to customer preferences. Corporate Citizenship: To be an excellent corporate citizen with high brand equity achieved through the promotion of responsible cannabis consumption, ongoing stakeholder engagement, and internal Corporate Social Responsibility campaigns. People & Culture: To foster a high-performing, customer-focused culture of engaged employees through open communication, learning & development, safe work environments, and overall wellness. Corporate Values Teamwork Always succeeding together. Passion Having fun going the extra mile. Accountability Reliably delivering on our commitments. Education Continuously learning. Empathy Everyone is important.

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PEICMC 2021-2022 Annual Report

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