2022 PEICMC Annual Report

Corporate Governance Corporate governance is the cumulative set of mechanisms, processes and relationships by which the Corporation is controlled and operated. It defines the distribution of rights and responsibilities among different Corporation stakeholders (e.g. government shareholder, CMC Board Members, Senior Managers, auditors, regulators, etc.) and details the decision making framework related to the pursuit of corporate and policy objectives.

PEI Cannabis Management Corporation Board STANDING: Perry Gotell - Member, Kate Shreenan - Recording Secretary, Susan Milligan - Member, Nicole DesRoche - Member, Murray Murphy - Corporation Solicitor SEATED: Daniel MacDonald - Chief Executive Officer, Quentin Bevan - Chair, Kim Griffin - Member, Vice-Chair Executive Management Team

STANDING: Shawn Alexander - Director, Human Resources and Employee Wellness; Gerald O’Halloran - Acting Director, Supply Chain and Property Management; Heather Rossiter - Director, Corporate Affairs and Regulatory Services SEATED: Carl J. Adams - Chief Financial Officer; Daniel MacDonald - Chief Executive Officer; Paul Crabbe - Director, Retail Operations and Strategic Development


PEICMC 2021-2022 Annual Report

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