IHary mew , who shall be . stipulated and igreed on in the Course of the said negotiations, l h4vet.be Honour J>e# &c. . ' (Signed).. . , JPfy manju Commander in Chief of hi?' • "■ Majesty's Land 'Forces.' 1 Lotd Cathfcart, Commander in Chief / ' " [ ~ - of the! British ireops. \ ^ ”•;•;:Ci ;y- . •;...;vj L a neutral place, out of the town, where to meet’., on both sides for regulating the Articles of Car pitulatiori, Officers provided with full' powers for negotiating shall be sent, and in the interirA the armistice is' considered as ‘subsisting! -t il oontfa iy orders should be'given. J - 1 have the honour to be, &e. ) c > .(Signed). • P e y m a n n . 7 ..i ‘ - - ; * Commander in Chief of his Majesty’s Land Forces,1 Lord Cathcart, Commander in Chief of thg -British Troops. . Copenhagen, September 6 » ’tfioy. "My tiOnn! ' *’’ As soon as you shall be pleased to' appoint ' ' ‘ ' ‘ "‘l'J’ Head-quarters, before Copenh. Sept. 6, 1807. S ir ’ The Officers appointed to treat with you are Major-General the Right Honourable Sir Arthur ■ Wellesley, K. B. ; .Sir Home Popham, Captain of the Fleet j and Lieut. Col. Murray, Deputy

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