Connswater Homes Tenant Handbook


Connswater Homes aims to manage its stock in an efficient and effective manner and where possible, consult with tenants on matters affecting their tenancy. In this handbook you will find information on your rights and obligations, paying your rent, moving home, maintenance & emergency repairs and what you can expect in terms of service from Connswater Homes. It may not answer all of your questions, but it could save you time and trouble when you need advice and assistance. While every effort has been made to include as much information as possible you may require more specific advice, in those instances please contact the Association’s office on Tel: 028 9065 6155 , or by email to , where our staff will be pleased to help you. I hope this handbook is useful and informative and that you enjoy living in your new home.

Jacqueline Locke Chief Executive

Contents About Us

4 6

Your Home

Your Tenancy Agreement

10 17 20 22 24 25

Your Rights

Customer Service Standards

Energy Efficiency

Contractors Code of Conduct

Repairs & Maintenance

Tenant Repair Responsibilities 28 Repairs Service – Our Standards 31

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