DLI 3rd grade guide

What’s New and Updated in Science

What’sNew This section contains a listing of pages in the map that are new this year. Page Number Description Best Practices

Teacher and student moves during each of the 5E’s integrated with the science and engineering practices. There are now presentation slides for all science units that support more effcient and effective instruction.

Unit Slides

Climate Action Kit Lesson Integrations

Climate Action Kit lessons are integrated with science content during units 1, 3, and 4.

Integrated Science& Social

End-of-year Science and Social Studies integrated Place-based and PBL Project.

Studies Project

What’s Updated This section contains a listing of pages that have received substantial content updates for this year. Page Number Description


Updated list of scaffolds for science instruction.

Scope& Sequence

Science Instruction begins on the frst week of school and continues through the end of the year.

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