DLI 3rd grade guide


McGraw Hill Unit 1: Forces Around Us

Motion & Forces

Electric & Magnetic Forces Lesson 1: Electricity Lesson 2: Magnets

Lesson 1: Motion Lesson 2: Forces Can Change Motion

connection or the Go Further activity Effects of Magnets to see the actions of a magnet’s north and south poles.

● Barmagnet ● Paper clip ● Sheets of paper,

Explain: Magnetic Forces Pass Through Objects

20 Min Learning Intention:


I am learning about magnetic forces, so I can determine which objects magnetic forces can pass through. Success Criteria: I’ll know I’m successful when I can explain how the thickness of a material affects magnetic forces. *Consider giving students different thicknesses of paper such as cardstock, cardboard, newspaper, etc. to I am learning about Earth’s magnetic feld, so I can understand how Earth is similar to amagnet. Success Criteria: I’ll know I’m successful when I can explain how a compass works. I am learning about Electromagnets so I can explain how they work. Success Criteria: I’ll know I’m successful when I can build an electromagnet or use an electromagnet.

cardstock, cardboard

Can be done in ELAblock

Explain: Earth’s Magnetic Field

20 Min Learning Intention:


Can be done in ELAblock

● Insteadof supplies listed, use the Snaptricity Kits purchased

Explain: Electromagnet & Using Magnets

45 Min Learning Intention:

76-77 78-79

by ISD (each school has 12 kits). Refer to Pg. 55-56 in the

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