DLI 3rd grade guide

Standard 3.3.7 Discuss how the choices of individuals and leaders affect their community and its future (for example, supporting local businesses, volunteering, voting). Standard 3.3.8 Collaborate with peers to address a need in their local community through service. End of Unit Competency

Students refne their defnition of their communities through a civics context. Democratic principles and participation in government are introduced. Students delineate their rights and responsibilities as members of their community and the limits to their rights when they confict with the rights of others. Students are introduced to the concepts of civil rights, public virtue, and civic engagement. Language Features: ● Nouns: community, diverse people, problems, solutions, democratic process, civic roles, leaders, taxes, cultural norms, service project ● Verbs: analyze, refect, research, describe, explain, serve, collaborate, develop, compare, contrast SKILLS VOCABULARY (Can be supplemented by Wonders and be classroom-specifc) ● analyze ● refect ● reside ● democratic process

● research ● describe ● explain ● serve ● collaborate ● develop ● compare ● contrast

● problem ● solution ● community improvements ● election ● appointment ● taxes ● culture ● service project

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