DLI 3rd grade guide

3rd Grade Scope & Sequence

Unit 2




3.R.2: Demonstrate Mastery of age-appropriate phonological awareness skills 3.R.3: Demonstrate mystery of age-appropriate phonics skills. 3.R.4: Read grade-level text with accuracy and fuency to support comprehension

● 95% Phonics Core Program (PCP)

Oct. 7- Nov. 20 30days

After Lesson 8 Assessment #2

● 95% PCP cumulative assessment found in the 95% platform

Lesson Skills

High Frequency Words Morphology Focus Other Skills

● Advanced PA: phoneme manipulation ● Read/spell Dolch HFW ● Syllable mapping of 2-syllable words ● Intro. to 3-Syllable Challenge (reading 3-syllable words) ● Decode and defne unknown words with affxes and Latin roots ● Comprehension: written response ● Advanced PA: phoneme manipulation ● Read/spell Dolch HFW ● Syllable mapping of 2-syllable words using syllable bars ● 3-Syllable Challenge (reading 3-syllable words) ● Decode and defne unknown words with affxes and Latin roots ● Apply knowledge of affxes and Latin roots through word construction using morpheme cards ● Comprehension: written response


Closed, Simple Multisyllable Closed, Complex Multisyllable

six, seven

Affxes: con/com-, in/im Latin Root: struc/struct Affxes: -ive, -ion/tion/ sion Latin Root: pel/puls Affxes: -al, -able/ible Latin Root: fac/fact/ fec/fc REVIEW - Affxes: ex-, dis Latin Root: tend/tent/ tense/tense Affxes: sub-, trans Latin Root: scrib/script/scribe/ scribe


eight, much


Closed, Schwa Multisyllable

about, done

● Multisyllable, Closed-simple, complex & schwa ● Latin roots, prefxes and suffxes

6-8 Assessment #2


Silent-e, Single Syllable together, ten


Silent-e, Simple Multisyllable

bring, drink

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