1939 The Gentleman's Companion volume II Beeing an Exotic Drinking Book


taste hinting at peach pits, and bitter almonds-very, very far away, but pleasantly there.

CURA<;AO ... Made from special unclisclosed spices, and from the peel of oranges grown in the rather barren little island of that name belong– ing to Holland off the Venezuelan coast. The best is made in Holland, although we've had some interesting green Cura?o on the island itself, in Willemstad, the tiny Capital. ... Yellow is most used, and has the most helpful flavour, both as a liqueur, pousse cafe, or in cocktails. DAM/ANA ... One of those indeterminable French liqueurs made for scant reliable purpose, and indicated in a few pousse cafes, and those cocktails intended for profitable feminine absorption. As mentioned elsewhere, the label is worth the price of admission. . . . Should be on elaborate bars, mainly; otherwise it is strictly a bedside table liquid. DANTZIGER GOLDWASSER . . . Purdy a matter of swank, but al– ways effective when with a handsome lady. It is also called Eau de V£e de Dantz£g, and is a cordial with a pleasant but unimportant taste, in which flecks of real gold leaf flutter and swim about when it is only slightly shaken. The gold does no harm and no good. - DUBONNET . . . A French creation based on wine fortified with herbs, and this and that. Universally accepted in France for years, it is just becoming appreciated again in America. There are a few cocktails call– ing for it. Only needed in the more elaborate establishments. FIORI ALIPINI . . . The tall attractive bottle of delicious liqueur in which a rock candy tree rears its realistic trunk and branches. A fine liqueur, but never indicated for cocktails. FOUR GINS MUST BE IN EVERY BAR DRf GIN . . . A white spirit flavoured with juniper oils, and too well known to describe here. All we can plead for is to get a decent grade, and stick to it. No bar can be without dry gin, and be called a bar. HOLLAND GIN, or HOLLANDS, and sometimes' SCHNAPPS . This is a vigorously flavoured gin which must appear on all sizeable • 185 .

Made with