1939 The Gentleman's Companion volume II Beeing an Exotic Drinking Book


mented pineapple juice, from the bud sap of coconut palm, from taro, from sweet potatoes, sugar cane, and heaven alone knows what else. Now the original native liquor is legal once again, here's the ac– cepted island cocktail for them as likes it.... Take 1 jigger each of okolehao and fresh ripe pineapple juice, add Yz jigger of lime juice, properly strained, and shake with lots of ice. Garnish with any sort of bright, small, tropical-appearing blossom. THE PARISIAN COCKTAIL, BEING a FINE APPETIZER & TUMMY ToNER We got to like this rather odd tasting beverage after a stay in Paris. It is simple and worth noting. Take 1 jigger of Byrrh wine, add the juice of 1 small green lime, strained. Shake with lots of cracked ice briskly and serve in a Manhattan glass with no further trimmings at all. Perhaps our readers have noted a fairly persistent mention of sour oranges in Volume I. It seems high time that Americans lucky enough to live in the Deep South should realize what a truly wonderful fla– vouring agent they are-this wild descendant of the original bitter rind Seville oranges brought to Florida and West Indies by Columbus himself, has flavour both in juice and peel so delicious, so exotic, so superior to other sour citrus fruits, that it should be much more appre– ciated. The Cubans know it, and their Steak Bigarade is listed in Vol– ume], on Page 138.... Our good friend Shelby Langston, like our– selves, has shot quail, wild turkey and deer along the great headwater hammocks and marshes of the St. Johns River, in Florida, and squir– rels in Nawth Ca'lina. Sour oranges can be found in many old de– serted clearings, and his discovery in camp of this mixture should rank in Florida with our friend's invention of the world-famous Dai– quiri, noted on Page 30. The proportion of sour orange juice to that of sweet depends on the . 79. SHELBY LANGSTON'S PALMETTO PUNCH, which Is an Exonc INVENTED on a FLORIDA CAMP HUNT

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