
Eforer og alumner.


1800b- 18 0 1a- 180 1b - 18 0 1b - 18 0 1b - 1802a— 1802a- 1802b- 1803a- 1803a- 1803a- 1803b- 1803b- 1803b- 1804b- 1804b- •1804b-

1802b. 180Ga. •H/ g 180G. CXX. 1803a. 180Ga. 11 / 12 180G. CXXI. 1807a. CXXII. •ll/B 1807. CX X III. 1806a. -20/g 1801. -iH/e 1808. CXXIV. - 11 / 12 1804. - 180Ga. - 1809b. 1804b. 180Gb. -

472. Petrus Krog M eyer................ 473. Wolrath Augustin Obdrup . 474. Petrus H ansen......................... 475. L. Stoud P la to u ..................... 47G. T. C. Müller ........................... 477. Martin Yesterboe.................... 478. Johannes Schreiber ............. 479. Martinus Henricus Petersen 480. C. Raben...................................... 481. P. O. Brøndsted....................... 482. Nicolaus B o y se n .................... 483. Pet. Nie. T h o ru p..................... 484. Otto Buli .................................. 485. Ambrosius B u g g e .................. 48G. Ericus Gjørup Tauber . . . . 487. Carolus Adolphus Dahl 488. Nicolaus Henricus Gude . . . 489. C. Døderlein.............................. 490. S. L. Svendsen ...................... 491. J. O. Somm er........................... 492. Joh. K o fo d ............................... 493. N. S. Schultz........................... 494. Chr. Horrebow Homaun . .. 495. Chr. H uulegaard.....................

. 11 /,» 1808 . -ii/B 180G. - 1809a. - n /ß 1807- -il/6 180G. -il/d 1S09- -li/6 1810. -11/g 1811.

1805a- 1 805b- 1805b- 1806a- 180Gb- 1806b- 1806b-

1824—22/12 1828. CXXY.

496. N. B. Krarup, dr. phil. (fil.) .................................... 497. J. Brøchner, cand. theol.............................................. . . . . ll/ll 498. T. C. Miirer, cand. med..................................... ........... . . . . 11 /M 24—Dec. 25. 499. J . H. Lautrap, cand. theol......................................... — ‘ Vit 24-H /ii 29. 500. S. C. W . Bindesbøl, cand. theol.............................. . . . . 11 /„ 2 4 -11/,, 29. 501. L. J. N. Hoiberg, cand. theol................................... 24—Okt. 26. 502. C. E. Scharling, cand. theol., mag. art.................. “ /» 24—Sept. 29. 503. J. 24-21/, 27. 504. M. C. Y. Michelsen, cand. theol............................... •••• l1/n 2 4 -11/,, 29. 505. E. C. Olsen, stud. philol. (cand.)........................... • •• ” /n 24—Juni 27. 506. J. M. Yelscliow, cand. theol....................................... . . . . 11 A, 24—11/,, 29. 507. R. J . E. Henrichsen, cand. philol............................ -----1l/n 24—Dec. 26. 508. C. Svenningsen, cand. phil. (matli.) ...................... — »Vit 24— 11 /n 29. 509. C. E. Døliner, Rip. stud. med. (cand.).................. — *v« 24—Sept. 28. 510. H. G. Matzen, Rip. stud. theol................................. 24—Maj 25. 5 11. G. 24—Sept. 26. 512. C. J. F. Hammeleff, Rip. stud. theol...................... -----2fl/o 2 5 - f ®/3 27. 513. C. 26—t2/é 28. 514. P. 26 -t/,, 24-H /,,

29. CXXV1.

31. CX X YII.



515. E.

516. C. G. Elberling, cand. philol., mag. art................. . . . . 10 /, 517. A. C. Brøndsted, Rip. stud. theol. (cand.)........... . . . . 8 /., 518. C. E. Ingerslev, cand. theol. (cand. philol.) .. .. . . . . 27/ g 519. C. H. Bendtsen, stud. philol. (cand.).................... . . . . wh 521. J. B. E. Bjerregaard, stud. philol............................ 522. J. P. Kjeldalil, Rip. stud. med. (cand.)................ . . . . 7/l 520. E.

27—Dec. 30. 27—Juni 30. 27—Juni 29. 27—Nov. 30. 28—Jan. 29. 29—Dec. 30.

34. CXXVIH .


523. C. E. Arendrup, cand. med......................................... . . . . 22/t 29—Apr. 34. 524. E. L. B. Zeuthen, cand. theol., mag. art.............

29 —Marts32, atter J an.-Maj35.

, 29—Juni 30—Dec.

33. 33.

525. 526.

J. H,

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