Speak Out draft text june 2016

National Conference

Sydney 2017 Conference Planning Committee (CP)

While the closing date for submissions is Wednesday 14 September 2016, there is no need to wait until the due date to submit your proposal. Scientific Program Chair Andy Smidt looks forward to working with you during the submission process. The CPC is currently liaising with potential keynote speakers and will look forward to introducing them to you over the coming months. On behalf of the CPC, we look forward to bringing to you the 2017 National Conference, WiFi ‘ W orking and i nvesting in F uture i nnovations.

• Harmony Turnbull - Conference Convenor 2017 • Andy Smidt - Scientific Program Chair (SPC) • Amy Freeman - Sanderson • Cathie Matthews • Celine Pascual • Kate Smith

Harmony Turnbull Pamela Richards Conference Convenor, 2017 National Conference Manager

Involve parentswith an evidence-based coaching framework

Give parents the skills to support their child's language learning during the meaningful, real-life situations where learning happens best. Attend an It Takes Two to Talk® Certification Workshop and gain an evidence-based framework for coaching parents to be primary interventionists for their child making intervention a natural, ongoing process and providing the enriched early learning environments that are especially important for children with language delays.

Space is limited! Register today for one of these upcoming It Takes Two to Talk workshops:

Melbourne ............... Jul 13-15, 2016 Sydney .................... Aug 10-12, 2016

Perth ...................... Sep 8-10, 2016 Adelaide .... Oct 11-13, 2016 (TBC)

See our complete workshop schedule at www.hanen.org/workshops


June 2016 www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au

Speak Out

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