with Sri Ganesh

- 17-03-14:

... Rs. 20/- are offered...

Sri Ganesh, Lovely Knight, Ageless and Constant, Protector of true Success, The awareness Of the One...


- 18-03-14:

... Rs. 20/- are offered. P has offered many five-rupees brass coins – he had recently to make a lot of small change to pay daily wages to village women helping harvesting the peanuts on his land and these coins were left; last year we had also accumulated a whole purse full of them which we converted into the brass for the new tall lamps; this year I am not yet sure what we shall do, but I am veering towards a new crown for Sri Ganesh, to be ready on the Chaturthy day; let us see...

Like a bride and a bridegroom United For service in the worlds Of Becoming From the worlds Of Being, You appear On consecrated ground, Sri Ganesh, Silent and watchful, In splendid, active peace...

- 19-03-14:

... Rs. 20/- are offered.

Sri Ganesh, You are Her Wandering Sign,


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