with Sri Ganesh

- 28-03-14:

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Sri Ganesh, Healer or Bard or Magician, You hold in trust The keys To the Riches of the Earth, To their Spirit and Their Force, While all the thieves are busy Plundering – With great Dignity You remain, Constant and mysterious, Yet Profoundly auspicious...

Aum Aum Namo Bhagavate

- 29-03-14: 100 years – This day a hundred years ago You Two met again upon earth, to do the Supreme’s Work –

Srimirraaravindaaya Namo Namah

La Rose Blanche de l’Amour Intégral Douce Mère Sri Aurobindo


Let Sri Ganesh show, to all forces and beings, The way To collaborate And serve The Supreme...

Aum Namo Bhagavate


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