with Sri Ganesh

I want this place, this setting, this service to be a channel for Your Force, Douce Mere, to be a place of safe contact. And today I feel Sri Ganesh is whitely gesturing in this direction as well – expressing the Great Wonder of Your Presence...

- 04-04-14: Sri Aurobindo’s arrival to Pondicherry, 104 years ago.

... Rs. 10/- are offered... Today I am transferring another twenty thousand rupees from the “Ganesh Temple” AV account to the ‘GAN” SBI account; it has been tedious and awkward to collect enough bills to “justify” the “spending” of the first twenty thousand, when in actual facts only one or two of those bills have anything to do with this place. But eventually it will come even as, no matter what, I keep strict and precise daily accounts. As of today, then, there is in AV Acc Rs. 100,000/-, in GAN Acc Rs. 171,886/- and in cash Rs. 4,080/-, thus amounting to Rs. 335,966/-.

Sri Ganesh, Gathering all imperfections Into your Service, You stand magnificent, A universal Tribute To the Mother...

- 05-04-14:

... Rs. 10/- are offered...

Aum Namo Bhagavate Ishwara Ishwari Aum Maa Tat Sat The Two Who Are One For the Path Of Becoming...

- 07-04-14:

... Rs. 10/- are offered...


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