with Sri Ganesh

The One and the Many, A companion On everyone’s route – Ganapataaya, Most refined And most wholesome – Auspicious presence On the Way, The Bearer Of the One’s Blessings...


- 11-04-14:

... Rs. 30/- have been offered...

Detailed and Intricate, Vibrant with Exquisite Fire And complete, Like the teaching Of the Lord, Your figure itself appears As the Door To the Inner Riches...

- 12-04-14:

... Rs. 100/- were offered... ... There was an article today in the “Hindu” on the official report the UN has just released, regarding the effects of the climate change to be expected shortly and/or already taking place. It is absolutely grim and sounds very much like a final verdict to which there is no appeal. Humanity, in its physical and material experience, is going to suffer tremendously, along with innumerable species of plants and animals. Yet again, the inner sense is that, when collaboration of all forces is obtained, then the reign of harmony must come...

This ever progressive harmony Which is the silent goal,


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