with Sri Ganesh

- 02-06-14:

... Rs. 10/- are offered...

Today you advance slowly In full ceremonial dress Bearing the great Fruit

Of the One’s Love, Entrusted by Her With its keeping...

Wondrous Lord Ganeshaaya Aum

- 03-06-14:

... Yesterday evening after 8 pm, to end these past few days of very heavy heat, clouds gathered and thunder rolled and a good rain came down, immediately cooling the air and soaking the ground; but it did not last very long... ... Rs. 10/- are offered...

Your Wide Chariot is fitted All round With Banners of Light As you move into the Field, Seated erect, alert, Your jeweled living staff At your side... It is a great sight to behold, And deeply comforting As it thus promises Every soul That creation will not be Abandoned And that the time comes When continuous progress Will manifest...


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