with Sri Ganesh

... My search for the identity of the person who has been using my ATM bank card without my knowledge, has now ended. It is a very big blow.

Everything seems now as if in suspense: I have no idea how to proceed in this life...


Note and Marker

There are probably as many reasons to share the elements and details of this little ordeal (referred to above on the 3 rd of July), another tale of “human frailty”, as there are to keep it all wrapped in silence. After considerable hesitation, I have chosen to share it all, openly and candidly and I shall here summarize the grounds for this choice. Firstly, this daily expression of my experience with Sri Ganesh is not separate from life or from any other pursuit of mine, but an integral part of my individual effort to offer and dedicate every part and every movement to the Mother’s Force of Change and to the advent of a truer consciousness incarnate upon earth. In that perspective, everything that “happens” to me as a person can but represent something of the human condition which is offered for the transformation. Secondly, the attempt or experiment of Auroville – seeking to realize an actual human unity - implies the surmounting, bridging and resolution of often apparently irreconcilable differences. Throughout my years here, the relationship with the local people has been a crucial component of my life and of all my daily choices. This particular personal story carries, although quite exceptional in several aspects, most of the characteristics of the difficult process which leads to an actual and genuine sharing and unity – of conduct and purpose… Thirdly, nearness to Sri Ganesh is akin to being related to a continuous Mystery. How does Sri Ganesh operate, what are the processes involved…? One example of a long drawn out resolution is the story of Kusum’s sons accusing me of stealing and trying their utmost to have me expelled from the country by getting my visa cancelled, - which will


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