with Sri Ganesh

- 04-08-14:

… Rs. 40/- are offered… … P’s mother brought several large mangoes from their trees early this morning, not appearing too worried anymore – which would seem to mean P hasn’t explained anything as yet… Then, a moment ago, P. phoned me: he wants to come and meet me tomorrow and tell me everything directly from the beginning; he says his head is a mess and he does not know what to do and so he wants me to hear it all and show him the way… That sounds weak, rather than courageous…

Sri Ganesh, Beautiful Knight, Very alert you ride, Your weapons held at Your sides, Proud and tender And loyal, Son of the Shakti…

- 05-08-14:

… P comes in early, looking dejected. As he has brought no list with him, I ask him bluntly why he came at all. He says he just needs to see me, that it is in his blood, in his body, he wants to see… Then he blurts out in a disjointed way that, actually, he had taken all that money for one person only, at the instigation of one person only: Dasan’s wife (Dasan is one of his two cousins on his father’s side) and that it was for “love”, not for sex… So it would appear that this woman has manipulated him so thoroughly that he was able for some years (I am still unclear as to when exactly he began cheating me) to dissemble so constantly… I point out to him that there seem to be two people in him, the one who is dear to me and another one I do not know at all, who has taken residence inside him; he agrees to that… I then repeat to him that the only way forward is to face up to it and tell the truth to his family; that only truth can resolve things, not further lies… And I send him away enjoining him to do just that…

As if you were An Occultist Knight You appear, Concentrated yet light


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