with Sri Ganesh

… I saw that the last few nights P has been sleeping here in the Riddhi room, for his own convenience alone; I leave him a note to stop that.

- 09-09-14:

… P has obeyed and stopped sleeping in. There remains this question in me like a pain: why was all this allowed to happen and develop…? Why was I not warned at the beginning of it…? What is this curse…? But, as popular wisdom counsels, “time will tell”… Yet there are questions in my life that have remained unanswered for the past 45 years…!

Namaste Ganeshji Aum Namo Bhagavate

- 10-09-14:

… Terribly destructive floods have struck Jammu and Kashmir… … Rs. 10/- are offered…

I sing more to Ganapati the King, The Mother’s Auspicious Child And Provider For Her Multitudes…


- 11-09-14:

… I see that a little rain has come in the night over here, just a dampness of the soil… … Rs. 10/- are offered… These days I can only find a few flowers in the garden; I so much want for every movement to be truthful… This is another crisis, wherein I must discern the concrete path of change, as if starting all over again – a point when almost every goal, aim or purpose a human being can identify with has fallen to ashes. And it all has become very plain = without Sat Chit Ananda in Matter itself, in our physical substance and operations, there is absolutely no sense in being here as an individual… And so, if there is any possibility of actually working towards That and to serve That and That alone, then let me try…!


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