with Sri Ganesh

Namaste Generous one, Namaste, Tender is your splendor, A strength-giver On the Way


- 27-01-15:

… Even though there is a sort of bliss in the harmony of this life I am given, time and again I must wonder and question the worth of it, in terms of its service and usefulness – whether to the Lord directly or to the Divine in humanity… and how good is this solitude I have more or less chosen…? It is perhaps as if I were caught mid-way: no longer fitting one condition and not yet fully born to another… As for this service here itself, whether to continue at all is hardly a sensible question, for what could be the alternative? There is no one to take over, at least that I am aware of… … My plumbing efforts are less than effective; I shall have to call for an equipped plumber… Rs. 100/- have been offered…

Namaste Sri Ganesh, Forgive this misery…

- 28-01-15:

Yesterday afternoon the weather became completely gray and still and has remained that way; I went to the market to purchase new stocks of incense,

oils, camphor, spending Rs. 1,500/-. Rs. 10/- are offered this morning…

Namaste Sri Ganesh, Namaste Harbinger of Harmony, Discerning and Patient And filled with Everlasting gladness

As your Service To Her Victory…


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