with Sri Ganesh

- 29-07-15:

There was drizzling in the night but in the daytime it is mainly sunny, with a cloud bank hovering near the horizon… Rs. 10/- are offered…

Today Sri Ganesh you appear As the Sweet, Ancient, Noble Sorcerer Bearing the secret treasures Of Life in Matter, Her living virtues and powers That must be called upon And applied To resolve Disharmony –

And the sight of you, Nitya Ganapati, Is comforting…

Aum Wonderful Ganesha…

- 30-07-15:

Today the funerals of Abdul Kalam are taking place in Rameshwaram: the whole country is aware of it… Rs.10/- are offered…

Mahaganapati Namaste Help clear the Way For men To awaken Now Aum Namo Bhagavate

Beautiful and Massive and Tranquil, Your presence is A Smile…


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