with Sri Ganesh

- 21-08-15:

The sky is grey, the air is mild: a restful day… Rs. 1,010/- are offered…

Magnificent Ganesha, Caring Brother and Friend Equipped and Arrayed With your calm troops,

Sri Ganesh, You appear In your chariot To celebrate The links…

Aum Namo Bhagavate Let the earth be saved…

- 22-08-15:

Quiet rain came in the night and the garden is sated… Rs. 10/- are offered…

Sri Ganesh, Your joy of harmony is So clear and fresh and deep And tranquil,

Like a pulsation Of Her Bounty –

When all that lies In all the worlds Wants to come home To the One’s Love, The Breath will Cleanse everything… Aum Namo Bhagavate

- 24-08-15:

Yesterday after doing the puja P. cleaned the pond and cleared an unkempt area of the garden…


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