with Sri Ganesh

In your Wake, While you visit And assess The state of the world…


- 29-08-15:

This morning G. came directly from Sri Aurobindo’s room – it is his birthday – and sat and sang with much feeling for Sri Ganesh…

Namaste Beautiful Ganesha Namaste Vivid and Luminous Are Her Qualities In you, In detailed Clarity And Precise Expression, Yet Calm And Deep…

Namaste Priyaganesha Namaste Aum

- 31-08-15:

There were pictures in the papers this morning of huge processions in Mumbai, crowds carrying aloft large effigies of Lord Ganesha in all sorts of guise, in preparation for the coming Chaturthy – and Lord Ganesha does appear closer to the people, more freely expressive and more participating… … Namaste Sri Ganesh, I hope you consider this tiny abode as yours too and that you will care to manifest in it and from it as well… I do not know what I must or must not do… The lesson that comes constantly to me – and increasingly so – is not to plan, not to expect anything from anywhere or anyone nor to rely on any agent, but to turn exclusively to the Presence, for everything…

Beautiful Ganesha, Namaste…


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