with Sri Ganesh

Master of all Obstacles, Namaste Brother Ganesha


- 04-09-15:

… Rs. 20/- are offered…

Namaste Sri Ganesh, Lovely, Auspicious Mystery, Magician of Harmony, Instrument

Of Her Grace, Born of Aum, Namaste…

- 05-09-15:

Rs. 20/- are offered…

Namaste Ganeshaye, Master of Ancient Lore, Magus of Earth-Nature, Timeless and universal

Yet Near, A Friend,

A companion At Her Feet…


- -07-09-15:

This is a warm, grayish, quiet weather… Rs. 1,310/- are offered…

P. has left an envelope containing his salary for Sri Ganesh’s blessings - and I suppose for me to touch and see: with a lot of overtime work, he earned


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