with Sri Ganesh

- 18-09-15:

Barely recovering from this strange nervous exhaustion, I began to clean, only taking away the wilted flowers… But the garden needs more watering… M. has come to present some offerings to Sri Ganesh – a small statuette and three new longis – on her way to France… I have counted the monies offered yesterday: Rs. 3,000/- through the AV Ac (for Tax-exemption receipt) and Rs. 6,550/- directly… And today another Rs. 10/- are offered… P. told me of a dream he had last night, in which You said You wanted to have Abhishekam done to the temple by a confirmed brahmin, as it is traditionally done every 12 years (to renew the links I suppose)… so, either it is true and You are very displeased with me, or it is the ordinary formation that plays in P.’s mind, as he remains open to that confusion of values, rules and traditions – and then the telling of this dream comes as a test…? But what do I know, really…?

However, Priyaganesha, you are so beautiful and noble… you do not appear to be displeased…!

- 19-09-15:

The wind has slowed, the air is expectant, the light is grey… Late in the morning an elderly orthodox man comes in slowly and trembling to do a very respectful pranam and offers Rs. 10/-…

Namaste Sri Ganesh Exquisite is your calm harmony, Your crown ripples with the Light of the world –

You know, you see And hold Her treasures In trust…

Aum Gan Ganapataye Namah

- 21-09-15:

Yesterday, Sunday, P. did the puja without altering anything around Sri Ganesh… And last evening after 9 it began raining, with thunder claps and it


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