with Sri Ganesh

- 26-11-15:

There was just a little rain in the night and now clouds are shifting about and playing with sunshine… One of those small incidents that bear a range of meanings: as I am doing the Aarti, two men enter to attend, one of them wearing a traditional dress and both local; later, when I have done my round, the younger one (he may have worked for me long ago but I do not clearly remember) asks that I return inside the shrine so he can worship at my feet; when I gently refuse, he just throws himself on the ground there and then and touches my feet for blessings and when I raise him I find he has tears in his eyes… there are layers of meaning there and at least two obvious ways for the ego to manifest, either in appropriating the destination or in “nobly” refusing such demonstration… But the fact of the matter is rather different: this is a sort of deep pragmatism at work: since I am steadfast and caring in my service to Lord Ganesha, I am bound to have somehow got a touch of His Grace and therefore to bow to Him through my physical person can only be helpful; this occurs regardless of whatever may be my condition, state of consciousness or realization if any…! And thus, this show of excellent humility and self- effacing decency and this emphatic claim at equality has actually nothing to do with the expressed movement of worship but all to do with egotist interference… The stone that represents the deity and is placed according to defined rules is not bearing the burden of this separate identification, neither is it in danger of becoming bloated with self-importance…! This is not to deny the possibility of a hint of inner recognition, when the energy of service and bhakti has been anchored in the psychic; but so rare are the individuals who are aware of it… Rs. 20/- have been offered… I saw when I came in today that P. had come last evening to light new clay lamps in celebration of the Deepam…

Sri Ganesh Namaste, Today, with such free harmony, You seem to be preparing The Base Of aspiration and purity For Her Work

Of true formation, As if from your own Timeless Base You were joining in The Task Of Becoming –


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