with Sri Ganesh

- 30-11-15:

Since the evening before last it has been raining abundantly, on and off, up until this dawn and now there is a little sunshine… As of today, from various reports, it appears this is the most plentiful monsoon for the last 15 years… Rs. 10/- are offered…

Namaste Sri Ganesh, Let there be silent, Substantial Progress…! Noble, Ancient Knight

And Companion on the Way To the Future of the One’s Earth…


- 01-12-15:

Late afternoon yesterday it began to rain again and it poured and poured throughout the night and only slowed down after dawn, to continue as a dense drizzle… And I found two new-born puppies on the porch of the Riddhi room, whose mother comes now and then to suckle… Clad with a light rain- poncho I clean the pond, removing the parasitic plants… I have started to listen almost every day to Your Agenda again, now that there is a good audio system…

Sri Ganesh Namaste, Beautiful Son of the Shakti Striding through the world,

Ever Constant, Ever Watchful, Playful and Free From all powers, Servitor Of the One, Namaste

Aum Ganesha Aum


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