with Sri Ganesh

Rs. 40/- are offered…

Sri Ganesh, Namaste, Jeweled Ambassador Of the Shakti Amongst the gods As amidst The people, Mysterious and Unreadable And yet A constant Friend To those Who love Her… Aum Namaste

- 12-12-15:

Namaste Sri Ganesh, In every instant of material time There is a key To Infinity, Aum Happy Ganesha Dancing with knowing compassion For all beings… Aum Ganesha Aum

Rs. 830/- were offered…

- 14-12-15:

Yesterday, as P. was doing the puja, Rs. 60/- were offered. Today another Rs. 10/- are offered.

Namaste Sri Ganesh, Knight and Magician, How unique, How free You roam about, An auspicious Sight, Wearing the Siddhis And Potencies,


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