with Sri Ganesh

- 25-12-15: Christmas

P. has already begun work as I arrive; he has a day-leave today and has come to prune down the eastern and southern hedge; he leaves around 10 am. A rickshaw-driver comes in with a freshly cut bunch of bananas and offers Rs. 10/- as well, another genuine fellow… Later, two elderly orthodox villagers from another area, very shyly and respectfully come in to do pranam and then silently come up to me by the shrine and want to touch my feet for blessings… How does this happen, I do not know… Most people around, including Aurovilians of course, could not care less and many are inclined to see this “service” as either preposterous or unclear or as a sinecure away from all responsibility, while many others simply take advantage of it one way or another; and yet, perhaps by word of mouth, there are now and then those expressions of respect and appreciation, silent and deeply felt, which actually quite make up for all the rest; not that I need this appreciation or recognition for myself, but that it shows this service is somehow valued – which is a service to You and the enacting of Your promise to the local people… The GAN Ac was credited yesterday by Rs. 1,370/-.

Namaste Sri Ganesh, Namaste, Let there be True Action Everywhere

Aum Namo Bhagavate

- 26-12-15:

Namaste Sri Ganesh, Herald and Ambassador Of Her Treasure,

Your blessings Are always for

Truth and Harmony, Satyam Ritam Brihat, Gold is the Joy Of Victory…

Rs. 10/- are offered…


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