with Sri Ganesh

In a bloom and a breath Of Shakti –

Great and noble and Wholesome Is your tread, is your dance, Exquisite With the riches Of Matter Where the circle Is Complete.

- 25-12-08:

… Jean Yves and Mi Hong come with an offering of flowers and Rs. 100/- and meditate for a while… And just as I finish the Aarti, Amrit and Ingo also come in and offer Rs. 10/-…

Sri Ganesh, Today you are like A great Pillar, A strong, steady Pile For the Shakti’s Pouring and boring And descending –

You are the balanced one, The steady one, Who smiles And gives And gives…


- 26-12-08:

Sri Ganesh, You pulsate and vibrate And communicate With the power


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