with Sri Ganesh

To find Her…

Sri Ganesh, you transmit both the lines simultaneously and fully defined, with their secrets and mysteries, of Ishwara and Ishwari, and yet, too, in your very presence and form you manifest their exquisite unity…

- 04-01-09:

… There is still a lot of opacity in the movement; I am still groping, a blind creature vaguely probing the vast contours of a form… There is a great need to sort out what may be the personal emotional part that comes into play and to distinguish it lucidly from the objective, multi-layered reality of Sri Ganesh, and of the aspect of the Supreme he represents. For instance, as far back as I can remember, I have always experienced a kind of tranquil, intense emotional ecstasy before the beauty and charm and grace of Material Nature; it is not, then, that I have come to this sort of awareness through Sri Ganesh, but rather that this is part of my offering to the Supreme in him, through him, and to him as the Supreme: a grateful return of a Grace. When I presented this understanding this morning during the puja, there were inner tears along with it; because, perhaps, just perhaps, the sort of happiness I often feel – as if Sri Ganesh was happy here – is real, is the acceptance of this offering…? But I wish to progress further in this, if possible. Somehow this grace, this happiness, must serve Your Work, must contribute to the Truth of Auroville… Light – true light – is not the opposite of obscurity: Light is the Presence of Consciousness, Existence and Delight, without gaps, without tamas…

In the way of Light, Sri Ganesh, You wear together The Splendor of Night And the glory Of Sun-lit Noon, The Rich Velvet Depth And the Vastness of Living Joy,


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