with Sri Ganesh

Sri Ganesh, You dwell within An intricate harmony, A completeness that rests On achieved unity – It is vast and simple And profound and entire In its movement And calm and happy In its beauty.

- 28-01-09:

… This morning I bathed and scrubbed Nandi carefully…

Sri Ganesh, You are the great Bard, The joyful Kavi Roaming free And yet the King Of Siddhis and powers, Playful and yet Watchful, Guardian of the tools and toys She provides For Her children’ souls To grow –

You have no attachment And yet You hold the keys And guard Her Integrally.

- 29-01-09:

Sri Ganesh, Son of Ishwara and Ishwari, You are resplendent, You hold the energy of Shiva, The lingam arising


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