with Sri Ganesh

thus tends to augment the “distance”, if not the sense of irredeemable dissociation and separation…!

Then again, all thoughts are so vain…! If to “understand” – as You often said, Douce Mère – is to grasp the how, how to do, then it is the core, the very pulse at the very core of everything that one must identify with again; all the rest is but a very distant approximation, a rather futile and inconclusive activity… In the meantime I, for one, go on offering certain gestures and flowers and songs and care and aspiration, through a stone figure, to “That”, the awareness of which varies from moment to moment in its lucency, its quality and even its character, and eventually, almost every day – I can even say, really, every day – I draw a little water from the well…

Sri Ganesh, From place to place And world to world, You move and play,

Great Bard and Performer, Fluent in all Her powers, A festival of gentle Knowing joy, A riot of detailed Treasures for all to sense And be Comforted…


… In the afternoon, I spend for the purchases of incense, camphor, oils and cloth for new curtains, Rs. 1,000/-

- 06-02-09:

Sri Ganesh, You are the Red Companion Of the Exquisite Light, From the depths of the Red, Held in Her White Grace, Your song is power Universal.


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