with Sri Ganesh

Sri Ganesh, You stand today as The Chief Healer And The Magician, Self-gathered and self-sufficient, You stand erect, Your breast lit with love, Holding up the staff Nature

Has entrusted To your care, For you know her Secrets With direct knowing And will never betray her –

You stand visible In your exquisite finery,

Impassive, Discerning, Anchored To The One...

- 20-09-11:

It rained much of the night and into the morning, a slow quiet rain; the air is now cool and soft... ... And the board has come off its supporting poles!

Sri Ganesh, The Peace and Harmony You convey Have richness and power,

For they rise from A deep centering And are achieved In many planes Of existence –

And thus all about you Life in Matter Throbs and fuses,


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