with Sri Ganesh

Of The One’s Delight –

Slowly you ride your mount, The lone guardian of Her domain, Yet the messenger And the Brother To all living souls...


- 22-09-11:

... Two middle-aged men came in to do pranam and came again later, asking insistently to purchase “rudraksha” beads...; it is sometimes made clear to me how easy it would be to turn this place and this service into a catchy and profitable venture...

Sri Ganesh, Constant Companion And Brother on the Way, Welcoming and sustaining figure Of the One, You know Her moods And are privy to Her Secrecies, And thus you may be called In the forests or the waste-lands, The crowded lanes, across the oceans, To assess the obstacles, And bring your knowledge to bear So that the soul may learn The true process Of clearance And becoming –

Crowned and held by Agni, Universal your embrace, Your companionship is A haven of safety...


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