with Sri Ganesh

... In the afternoon Parthy and I cycle back here and do pruning work – there is again much to do in the garden...

- 07-10-11:

In the night there was an episode of crackling thunder with a cavalcade of lightning bolts, followed by some rain; now it is quiet and mild again...

Sri Ganesh you appear As the Calm Leader on the March, Riding your affectionate mount And lighting the way As you go –

And for this task You have accepted to wear Those converted energies In obeisance To Her –

Undisputed is Your leadership

And beyond compare is Your companionship –

But Freedom is your mark, The freedom of true love For Her Creation...

- 08-10-11:

... Arriving here I found, waiting at the gate, a swami, dressed in white, with a long and thick grey beard and a necklace of prayer beads; he said he had come especially to visit this temple and that he is himself a pujari at a temple to Shiva in Pondy. It is obvious that he has been told about this place and has come to find out for himself what is here; but the contact is shallow; he invites me to his temple, just like a professional meeting another member of


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