with Sri Ganesh

have seen Ganeshji as an agent of Harmony, it has never been in my consciousness at a moral level... But now I find myself a little shy or self-conscious; unless the sadhana evolves more concretely with Sri Ganesh, I tend to feel that... perhaps it is best to be silent...! One reminder which keeps coming to my attention is that I must answer the need to develop true good-will and the rudiments of true love for all beings – and I surmise that, rather than actual loneliness, it is the lack of this expansion which I feel these days...

Sri Ganesh You stand at the head of a path Which glows With tenderness –

It is rich and pregnant With the Shakti’s Detailed care For the Lord’s Becoming In each and all...


- 02-11-11:

... I am so stunned with a heavy cold, with fairly high fever, body pain and a head like a pumpkin, that Parthy has to do the puja; in the evening he makes me inhale steam and it seems to help...

- 03-11-11:

... Again Parthy must do the puja, as I am still in no condition to move out of the house and drive over...

- 04-11-11:

... Despite heavy bouts of coughing and a confusion of heat and chill, I managed to come this morning...

The AV Electrical Service has given a bill for the work done here recently, which I pay today: Rs. 1,604/-...


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