with Sri Ganesh

You sing and dance for the Shakti, And your songs form A river Of deep-glowing joyous brightnesses, A vibrant, adoring celebration Which you direct and offer To

The Two Who are One In Their ceaseless work Of Becoming – Gorgeous Ganeshji, You ride in full view With the Smile Eternal As your Sun And your trail of rich Golden light Is a burst of a myriad Of treasures...


... Parthy and i have been coming several afternoons to cut the grass and prune and clean...

- 10-11-11:

... Once more, before entering, I have to push and shove and topple down another large advertisement board hung on posts by the roadside in front of the wall – this one is for a local developer, who should know better!

Satyam Ritam Brihat True and Right and Vast And Generous and Sure And filled With luminous knowing Like a sap of Light In the Dark, Like a stream

Of golden nectar In the depths –


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