with Sri Ganesh

Along the Stream Of True Offering –

You stand, or amble Among the growths Of the Treasure –

But most men Do not understand the way And follow instead The taunts Of the Devourer, Led by their wants To forget And betray, Till they find The hollow in their hearts And turn back at last And heed Your patient signs –

Wondrous Ganesha...

- 15-11-11:

... An interesting man came in this morning: a middle-aged fellow, his head covered with a white cloth (perhaps a Jain?), who approached the door and entered very silently and respectfully, did pranam and got blessings and left, to return a while later with two freshly washed tangerines which he offered very sweetly to Ganeshji, before leaving again...

Peerless you stand Sri Ganesh, The Magician in the Truth Of Nature, A great Form Articulating The language of Creation, A joyful alliance Of its forms and beings, Wide white embracing Light And tender Fire


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