with Sri Ganesh

- 25-11-11:

... The rain has become more abundant and no one comes – only cows!

Sri Ganesh, You may journey on

Across the lands of men, Like an unknown pilgrim, Or you may take shelter here and there In a thousand icons fashioned Of clay, stone or metal, And remain unheeded or ignored –

But whenever the time comes And engagement takes place, You then appear, the emperor Summoning the hosts of beings And gathering their substance For the Shakti’s and the Lord’s Outpouring – Such is your unique privilege, Sri Ganesh, That wherever and whenever You choose, This alignment may occur

And the worlds Communicate...


- 26-11-11:

... Forceful rain from the East poured through the night, and I have to repair the bunds by the gate...

Sri Ganesh, Wide and clear-sighted Is your welcome, It knows no boundaries, For it is rising


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