with Sri Ganesh

- 29-11-11:

... Various people have come in this morning and Rs. 40/- were offered...

Sri Ganesh, Today you rise forward From a deep thriving opulence, A heaving wealth of compassionate, Knowing generosity

Which reaches out to each With infallible exactitude According To their path –

Like a tide or rhythmic harmony It draws and leads Into offered Matter The Nectar and the Fire From the Treasure Of the One...


In the afternoon I spend in the market for new stocks of incense and oils and camphor Rs. 705/-...

- 30-11-11:

... I counted all the coins recently offered and with the amount exactly, Rs. 125/-, I could purchase a liter of sesame oil for the lamps...

Sri Ganesh, You are the Pilgrim God On the paths of the world –

Wherever you appear, Material Nature is Drawn to you, Like a horde of singing creatures, For you are one


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